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“要当好人武部主官,当好一名‘军事常委’,就必须 围绕中心,服从大局,与时俱进,心里装着一份沉甸甸的 责任……”今年年初,在山东省青岛警备区组织的新任职 人武部军政主官集训班上,一位人武部主官的心得介绍, 赢得了台下阵阵掌声,他就是市南区人武部政委刘忠昌。 几年来,“征兵工作先进单位”、“正规化建设先进单位”、 “涉军维权先进单位”和“军警团结协作先进单位”,这一 连串的荣誉,都与他的实干精神密不可分。 有知识才能有作为。从作战部队到人武部,新的岗位面 临新的挑战。刘忠昌为了能够适应新的岗位,他加大了对 党的先进理论、现代高科技知识、军事理论及民兵预备役 知识、经济工作等内容的学习力度。并结合工作实践,向基 层的同志学习,研究基层武装工作的特点和规律,了解人 武部工作与地方经济建设的内在联系。与此同时,他积级 鼓励全体干部职工,认真研究民兵预备役工作中出现的新 情况新问题。正是由于保持了这种学习研究的空气,这几 年,人武部上下的进取意识明显增强,干部职工的能力素 质得到明显提高。 “To be a good officer and a military commissioner, as a 'military standing committee', we must focus on the center, obey the overall situation and keep pace with the times. There is a heavy burden in mind ...” At the beginning of this year, at the Qingdao Garrison Command in Shandong Province Of the new staff Wu Jun military chief officer training class, a person director of the Ministry of armed forces experience introduction, won the audience applause, he is the city of Southern District People's Political Commissar Liu Zhongchang. In recent years, "a series of honors, such as the Advanced Unit for Recruiting, the Advanced Unit for Formalization, the Advanced Unit for Protecting the Forces in the Armed Forces, and the Advanced Unit for Armed Forces' Unification and Collaboration, are all inseparable from his hard work. Knowledge can do something. From the combat units to the People's Armed Police Department, new posts face new challenges. In order to be able to adapt to new posts, Liu Zhongchang stepped up his studies on the advanced theory of the party, modern high-tech knowledge, military theory, militia reserve knowledge, and economic work. Combined with work practices, learned from grassroots comrades to study the characteristics and laws of grass-roots armed work and understand the inherent links between the work of the Armed Forces and local economic construction. In the meantime, he plottedly encouraged all cadres and workers to earnestly study new issues and new issues that emerged in the militia reserve work. It is precisely because of the air that has kept this kind of study and study that in recent years the awareness of being enterprising and enterprising above and below the People's Armed Forces Department has been markedly enhanced and the ability and quality of cadres and workers have been markedly improved.
12月19日,Wii 杀入本刊编辑部,它极具创意的游戏操作方式让编辑部内的所有人眼前一亮,大家争相试玩,似乎找回了童年时初次接触红白机时的那种感动。 December 19, Wii into
摘 要:网络中大量的信息,精彩的图片为语文学习提供了不可穷尽的网络资源,而且基于网络的教学能改变教师的教学方式,学生的学习方式。学生根据自己的兴趣、能力来选取学习内容,选择学习路径,调整学习过程,这种新型的课堂教学模式,使学生在探索新知中真正成为信息加工的主体,给语文教学开辟了无限广阔的空间,会使语文教学更精彩。  关键词:网络 新型课堂模式    《语文课程标准》指出“应拓宽语文学习和运用的领域