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1 形势逼人:迎接挑战,加速发展在邓小平同志今年两次重要谈话和中共十四大精神指引下,我国的钢铁工业企业正为本世纪末实现年产1.2亿吨钢的目标而奋斗,一个大干快上、高速发展的局面已经形成。从全国来看,首钢、宝钢提出了年产2000万吨的目标,鞍钢、武钢等企业提出了年产1000万吨钢的目标。从省内来看,唐钢1991年实际产钢161万吨,现在已经确定近期目标500万吨;邯 The situation is pressing: to meet the challenge and speed up development Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping’s two important speeches and the spirit of the 14th CPC National Congress this year, China’s steel industry enterprises are struggling to achieve the goal of producing 120 million tons of steel per year by the end of this century. A large Dry fast, the rapid development of the situation has been formed. From a national point of view, Shougang and Baosteel put forward the target of 20 million tons of annual output. Anshan Iron and Steel Company and WISCO put forward the goal of annual output of 10 million tons of steel. From the point of view of the province, Tangshan Steel actually produced 1.61 million tons of steel in 1991, and has now set a target of 5 million tons in the near future.
聂景星,高级工程师,现年58岁。他1955年毕业于长沙有色金属工业学校有色冶炼专业,是一位有胆有识,热爱冶金 Nie Jingxing, senior engineer, now 58 years old. He graduat
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三、几个处理—五水硬铝石矿工厂的溶出情况国内外几个处理—水硬铝石矿的工厂有关溶出工艺条件和溶出赤泥铝硅比数据,列于表8。 Third, several treatment - diaspore dis