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“八五”期间,我市乡镇企业取得长足的发展,一大批乡镇企业走上科技兴企之路,科技进步对经济发展的贡献率显著提高。今年是“九五”计划的起步之年,乡镇企业如何走科技型发展之路,我们对市委、市政府重点抓的辛集市化工三厂等十家科技型企业进行了调查,他们的经验和启示是:一、科技型企业发展的基本经验(一)厂院联姻结硕果——建立厂办科研机构辛集市化工三厂从一口大锅到生产流水线,从一千元固定资产到拥有1300万元固定资产,从土法生产到开发高科技产品,关键的一步是走厂院联姻、发展壮大自己的科研队伍。第一步他们与中国农科院植保所共同承担国家重大研完课题 During the “8th Five-Year Plan” period, the township and township enterprises in our city achieved considerable development. A large number of township and village enterprises embarked on the road to science and technology, and the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress to economic development has increased significantly. This year is the first year of the “Ninth Five-Year Plan”. How township and village enterprises take the road of scientific and technological development. We investigated ten scientific and technological enterprises such as the Xinji Chemical No. 3 Plant focused on by the municipal party committee and the municipal government. Experience and inspiration are: First, the basic experience of the development of science and technology enterprises (A) The fruit of the alliance between the factory and the factory - The establishment of a factory-run research institute Xinji City Chemical Factory No. 3 from a cauldron to a production line, from 1,000 yuan to the possession of fixed assets With 13 million yuan in fixed assets, the key step from the production of indigenous products to the development of high-tech products is to take the marriage of factory and hospitals and develop their own research teams. The first step they shared with the China Academy of Agricultural Sciences Plant Protection Institute
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