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苏东前政权早在60年代末,70年代初就陆续开始搞经济改革,但收效不大,反对派趁机兴风作浪,最终导致政权更迭。新政权原想在短期内在各个方面,尤其在经济方面有较大起色。但是,东欧各国除了政权、意识形态、街道和党派名称等方面有了很大变化外,经济毫无起色,经济转轨,尤其是国营企业转轨缓慢。这一现象引起一些学者的思索。波兰学者库兹明斯基认为,尽管新政权决心彻底改革经济制度,变计划经济为市场经济,从而建立起全新的经济关系。但是,迄今东欧传统的国营企业变化不大。妨碍国营企业转轨的障碍之一是企业内外旧的经济管理模式仍在起作用,新的、接近西方的那一套经济管理制度尚未建立起来。库兹明斯基指的企业旧经济管理体制与西方经济管理体制之间差别在什么地方呢?企业 As early as in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the former Soviet and East’s regime started to engage in economic reforms one after another, but with little success, the opposition took the opportunity to make trouble and eventually led to a change of regime. The new regime originally wanted to see a big improvement in various aspects in the short term, especially in the economy. However, apart from great changes in the political power, ideology, street names and party names, the Eastern European countries showed no improvement and no economic transformation. In particular, the transition of state-owned enterprises was slow. This phenomenon has aroused some scholars’ thinking. Kozminski, a Polish scholar, believes that while the new regime is determined to revolutionize the economic system thoroughly and changes the planned economy into a market economy, it will establish entirely new economic relations. However, the traditional state-owned enterprises in eastern Europe have not changed much so far. One of the obstacles that hinder the transition of state-owned enterprises is that the old economic management model inside and outside the enterprise is still in operation. The new economic management system that is close to the West has not yet been established. What is the difference between Kuzminski’s old economic management system and the western economic management system?
The kinetics of reduction of nitroxides including 4-hydroxy-TEMPO, 4-methoxy-TEMPOand 4-hexanoyloxy-TEMPO, which are of different lipophilicities, by vitamin C
2005年6月28日发行的《郑和下西洋600周年》纪念邮票的最大特点就是还原历史,特别是3-1中的郑和就是一位友好使者形像。 The most prominent feature of the commemorative
1 勒布朗·詹姆斯未来能有多伟大?没人知道。或者说,没人愿意现在就给出这个莫测的答案。生怕自己的浅薄,无形中影响了詹姆斯伟大的轨迹。不错,就在詹姆斯新拍摄的广告片中,