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现代战争中,间谍卫星、无人驾驶侦察机发挥着举足轻重的作用。然而复杂多变的天气、山高林密的地形、常常成为这些空中“神眼”的盲区。近些年来,“数字化侦察战车”成为世界各国争相研制的陆军新宠。它速度快、机动性好、具有极佳的隐蔽性,配备有先进的武器系统、乘员保护系统及数据采集、处理、传输系统,是未来中小型冲突出执行前线巡逻任务、敌后侦察和破坏活动必不可少的装备。美、英联合研制的未来装甲侦察车便是这些“数字化侦察战车”的杰出代表,目前该项目已进入样车测试阶段。 In modern warfare, spy satellites and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft play a decisive role. However, the complicated and changeable weather, high mountains and dense terrain, often become the sky “God’s Eye” blind spot. In recent years, the “digital reconnaissance chariot” has become the new darling of the army that all countries in the world are competing to develop. It is fast, maneuverable and has excellent concealment. It is equipped with advanced weapon systems, occupant protection systems, and data acquisition, processing and transmission systems. It is the future of medium and small-sized conflicts in performing frontline patrol missions, enemy reconnaissance and sabotage activities Essential equipment. The future armored reconnaissance vehicle jointly developed by the United States and Britain is an outstanding representative of these “digital reconnaissance tanks.” Currently, the project has entered the prototype test phase.
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Background and aims: Although external anal sphincter dysfunction is the major cause of urge faecal incontinence, approximately 50% of such patients have eviden
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