
来源 :东方艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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李雪松,改革开放以来培养和成长起来的新一代花鸟画家。他早年就读于中央美术学院附中,打下了较全面的绘画基础,后考入中央美术学院中国画系,系统学习花鸟画,是当年花鸟画专业为数不多的学生之一,毕业时就显露出他的才华,给我留下了很好的印象。2001年他考入由我指导的中央美术学院首届花鸟画高研班。我们师生结缘二十年了,他 Li Xuesong, a new generation of flower and bird painter trained and developed since the reform and opening up. He studied early at the middle school of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and laid a more comprehensive foundation of painting. Later, he took part in the Chinese Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and systematically studied flower and bird painting. He was one of the few students in the field of flower and bird painting in his early years. Upon graduation, Talent, gave me a very good impression. In 2001, he was admitted to the first flower and bird painting seminar directed by me at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Our teachers and students have become acquainted with him for twenty years
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Oil pollution in marine environment is becoming increasingly serious. Oil bioremediation by immobilization technology has been widely studied. However, the effe
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There are many heterogeneous sensing nodes in the sensing layer of the Intet of Things, and the amount of data transmission is huge, which puts high requirement