
来源 :新疆石油科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z28419800
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二次采油以后,地下仍有相当大的储量未被采出,提高采收率是目前采油工艺的一个重大课题。微生物提高采收率的技术是一种通过引入或刺激在油藏中能存活的微生物来提高原油采收率的技术。文章简要介绍了微生物采油机理,自行筛选生产的微生物采油菌液特性,以及现场应用情况和初步的经济效益分析。通过分析认为,该项技术具有较大的推广价值。 After the secondary oil recovery, there is still a considerable underground reserves have not been extracted to improve oil recovery rate is currently a major issue of oil extraction process. Microbial enhanced oil recovery is a technique that increases oil recovery by introducing or stimulating microorganisms that can survive in the reservoir. This article briefly introduced the mechanism of microbial oil recovery, the characteristics of the microbial oil production by self-screening, as well as the field application and the preliminary analysis of economic benefits. Through the analysis, the technology has a larger promotional value.
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柴油储罐不清洁,全造成油品闪点降低,生成杂质,影响运动粘度。 Diesel storage tank is not clean, resulting in lower flash point of the oil, generating impurities, a
低调温暖的傻狍子鹿晗,超人气学霸君一枚;高冷犀利的霸道总裁董子健,不说话一个眼神就可以杀死你;清新阳光的暖男杨洋,浑身上下都让人暖到骨子里;美到爆棚的大男孩吴亦凡,气质简直帅出天际。话说这90后四大小生,哪一款是你的菜呢?  1. 你喜欢具有幽默感的人?  是→2  否→4  2. 看电影的时候,你喜欢靠前的位置还是靠后的位置呢?  靠前→3  靠后→5  3. 你喜欢看男生运动以后大汗淋漓的样子
敬爱的水文局首长并轉全国水文工作同志們: 当我們青海省水文战线上的全体职工在党的正确領导下,高举总路綫和毛泽东思想紅旗,正以百倍的雄心壮志为夺取1960年的月月紅,季季