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  Tess of the D’Urbervilles is one of the most famous works by Thomas Hardy, a brilliant critical realistic writer at the turn of the 19th century in England. This novel describes the tragic life about a pure and beautiful girl named Tess after her disgrace. In this thesis, the roots of the tragedy of Tess will be analyzed. The main reasons will be divided into three aspects: firstly, the atmosphere of the society in the 19th century; secondly, family factors; thirdly, Tess’s own reasons for her tragedy, including both her sacrifice for her family and her love and the weakness of Tess herself. From the paper, people will have a better understanding of the tragic roots of Tess’s miserable life and show deep sympathy to this poor girl.
  I. Social Elements for Tess’s Tragedy
  Tess lived in the late 19th century, in which the cruel exploitation of the capitalists had ruined the English countryside severely. Wessx was not immune from the destruction. Capitalism brought great harm to this old, rural and agricultural life of the place. The self-supporting peasants were displaced and impoverished. They were extremely poor and lived a very miserable life. Tess was lived in the Victorian era which capitalism invaded the rural England. She was a hardworking, kind-hearted, intelligent and beautiful girl. But she was regarded as a laborer, a member of poor agricultural workers. She had low social status and naturally would receive oppression and humiliation in the capitalist society. By researching this novel we can know England bourgeois society’s moral views in the Victoria-centered dynasty time. Tess’s tragedy was mainly because of the social morals in the masculine central society.
  The current society in which Tess lived was a society for men and all the laws protected the male’s right. Women’s position was at a very low level in the society. The male was the symbol of right, authority and power. Women lived for men, and should obey all the laws and rules for men. From the short life of Tess, we can get to know that she never had her right as a woman
  II. Her Parents’ Influences on Tess’s Tragedy
  Tess’s father, a carter in Marlott, was a lazy alcoholic and peddler. John was naturally quick, but he hated work. As if a pedigree could change his poverty, he became complacent and full of the unlimited dream. The unrealistic illusion changed Tess’s tragedy fate.
  Tess’s mother, Joan, had a strong sense of propriety and very particular hopes for Tess’s life. She was continually disappointed and hurt by the way in which her daughter’s life actually proceeded. But she was also somewhat simple-minded and naturally forgiving, and she was unable to remain angry with Tess, particularly once Tess became her primary means of support. Her mother believed that if Tess married Alec, her family’s situation would be changed greatly.   Therefore, the attitudes of her parents determined Tess’s tragic end in a large property. If Tess was not born in this poor family or her family was also a noble one, if she was not so responsible for her duty, and not so kind, her life would not end up in this way.
  III. Reasons of Her Own for Tess’s Tragedy
  Tess would like to sacrifice anything for the family. Because of this, after the horse died, she accepted her mother’s advice to claim kindred, although she didn’t mean to do so. Tess was a pure girl with simple, strong, diligent, virtuous, and staunch characters. What’s more, she was conservative. All of these characters of Tess led to her tragedy directly. And Tess experienced major changes in human relationships. She obviously had the dual nature of the social character: resistance and compromise.
  Tess is a tragic image of us for hundreds of years. From the analysis above, a conclusion can be drawn that social condition, family problems, Tess’s own characters and occasional factors all lead to Tess’s tragedy. At the time when we show sympathy to Tess, we also get a deep understanding about the England society in the 19th century. The author gave a profound description to each role in the novel, especially Tess. Tess, a poor peasant girl, was pure and beautiful, but she always met misfortune. She dared to love, but she lost her dearest husband; she dared to struggle, but she lived in a society without humanity. She could do nothing because of her weak power. The author gave limited sympathy to her because he also lived in that society. “Tess is the doomed tragic figure, the victim, the innocent lamb that must bleed for the acquired conventional and religious belief and the social attitudes, the useless sacrifice” (Xu Haibo, 2007, p.83). From the learning of Tess, we can gain some views about the capitalist invasion of the England in the 19th century and the customs of the people at that time. The author pays a deep sympathy on Tess. However, he also lived in a society where Tess lived. So he was chained by the customs and couldn’t give her more pity.
  作者簡介: 王婷(1992.10.23-),女,汉族,宁夏人,教师,中教二级,本科,研究方向: 英语专业。
【摘要】在小学英语课堂教学中,张驰有度,让课堂在既紧张又活泼的过程中获得升华,可以使得学生的认知感悟更加丰富。文章从三个方面进行了阐述,旨在让小学英语课堂更加精彩。  【关键词】小学英语;张驰有度;留白;精彩  【作者简介】唐婷,江蘇省昆山市张浦镇第二小学。  一堂精彩的英语课堂是学生能主动发现问题、探究和解决问题的万花筒,是学生开阔视野和认知思维的重要乐园。特别在课堂40分钟的教学中,既要展现教
一、引言  《初中英语新课程标准》指出:“教师要充分利用现代教育技术,开发英语教学资源,拓宽学生学习渠道,改进学生的学习方式,提高学生的学习效率;要利用计算机和多媒体教学软件,探索新的教学模式,促进学生的个性化学习;教师要努力学习现代教育技术,开发并合理利用以现代信息技术为载体的英语教学资源,实现现代信息技术与英语教学的整合。”可见,初中英语课堂的教学模式正随着信息技术的发展而发生着改变。  建构
【摘要】本文从调查研究入手,对当前的高中英语阅读教学存在的问题进行了较为全面深入地剖析,并结合自己的教学实际,提出了提高高中英语阅读教学有效性的对策。  【关键词】阅读教学;教学方法;阅读材料  【作者简介】缪玉,会宁五中。  高中学生在英语阅读学习中还存在重重问题,远未达成课程标准所要求的目标。高中英语阅读教学质量亟待提高。那么,当前高中英语阅读教学存在的主要问题及原因是什么?解决这些问题的对策
【摘要】随着我国英语教育事业的不断发展和提升,小学英语也逐渐被人们所重视。课堂是小学英语课程教学活动的重要场所,因此我们应通过充分利用课堂时间提高小学生英语水平,进而达到提高教育教学质量的目的,是英语教学的目的所在。本文就当前小学生英语教学现状进行分析,进一步探讨小学生英语课堂教学生活化对英语学习的影响,进而为促进英语教学生活化提供相关的建议和策略。  【关键词】小学英语;学习;教学生活化  【作
【摘要】《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》中提出:“创设宽松的心里环境和丰富的物质材料环境,尊重幼儿艺术表现与创造。”美工区常常是画画、做做、玩玩融为一体,强调体验,丰富幼儿的感受,活动过程近乎游戏活动,是适宜幼儿发展的一种活动形式。美工区开展的是否有效,是否受孩子們的欢迎,其中的一个重要因素是材料的投放。结合实践,浅谈游戏背景下小班美工区材料投放的一些新尝试。  【关键词】多元材料;玩美区域;小班美
【摘要】全身反应法TPR是一种建立在语言与肢体行为相结合基础上的语言教学法;它试图通过肢体行为来教授语言,不仅能够帮助学生掌握理论知识,还能深刻记忆,做到活学活用。本文阐述了全身反应法TPR的概念,并针对该种教学方式在学前英语教学中的价值进行分析。  【关键词】全身反应法TPR;学前教育;英语教学;价值  【作者简介】王百鸿,女,甘肃武威人,宁夏幼儿师范高等专科学校,毕业于西北师范大学外国语学院,
【摘要】随着课程改革的不断推进,传统的教学模式已经无法适应学生发展的需要,教师应优化教学策略,向学生渗透学习的方法,让学生学会学习。在小学英语的课堂教学中,教师应根据教学内容的特点,巧妙设计活动,诱发学生的学习兴趣,让学生在活动中获取知识,发展智力,构建充满活力的小学英语课堂。  【关键词】活动教学;小学英语;学生  【作者简介】晏帆帆,江苏省盐城市阜宁县公兴小学。  活动是认知的开始,也是帮助学