改革创新求发展 做强企业铸辉煌——记本刊副理事长、株洲硬质合金集团公司董事长、总经理杨伯华

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杨伯华,男,汉族,湖南攸县人,1958年10月出生,1975年1月参加工作,中共党员,大学本科学历,高级工程师。曾任株洲硬质合金厂车间主任、分厂厂长兼党委书记、总厂副厂长;1999年主持工厂行政工作,同年11月任株洲硬质合金厂厂长;2002年6月任株洲硬质合金集团有限公司董事长、总经理。杨伯华是株洲市优秀企业家和劳动模范,湖南省第八次党代会代表,中国共产党第十六次党代会代表。 株洲硬质合金厂是我国“一五”期间建设的156项重点工程之一,是我国建设最早、基础最好、规模最大的硬质合金生产、科研、经营、出口基地。杨伯华同志担任 Yang Bohua, male, Han nationality, Youxian County, Hunan Province, was born in October 1958 and joined the work in January 1975. He is a member of the Communist Party of China with a bachelor’s degree and a senior engineer. Former Zhuzhou Carbide Plant workshop director, branch factory director and party secretary, deputy plant manager; 1999 presided over the factory administration, in November the same year Zhuzhou Carbide Plant director; in June 2002 Zhuzhou hard Cemented carbide Group Co., Ltd. chairman and general manager. Yang Bohua Zhuzhou City is outstanding entrepreneurs and model workers, Hunan Province, the Eighth Party Congress, the Chinese Communist Party’s Sixteenth Congress. Zhuzhou Cemented Carbide Plant is one of 156 key projects under construction in China during the “First Five-Year Plan” period. It is the base for the production, research, management and export of cemented carbide with the earliest, best foundation and largest scale in China. Comrade Yang Bohua served as
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