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GDP 是在汉字组合中出现频率最高的英文缩写。我甚至猜测,很多人可能不知道 RMB 指的是人民币,但不会不知道 GDP 指的是国内生产总值。这本身即反映出 GDP作为宏观经济指标的重要性。不过,围绕人们历来所熟知的 GDP,一场变局眼下正在演绎之中。据报道,日前国务院常务会议原则同意进一步改进中国 GDP 核算和数据发布制度,并将于明年开展首次经济普查。这就是说,在技术层面,GDP 即将发生重大变化——统计的科学性和数据的可靠性将得到进一步强化。20日,国家统计局局长李德水又在国务院新闻办召开的新闻发布会上表示,国家统计局将进一步核实今年1至9月份 GDP 的数字,不断地把实际的数字更加准确地反映出来。修正以后的数字,也可能在明年适当的时候向大家公布。同时他宣布,国家统计局决定对 GDP 的核算和数据发布程序做一系列调整。 GDP is the abbreviation of the highest frequency in the combination of Chinese characters. I even guess that many people may not know that RMB refers to the renminbi but do not know that GDP refers to the gross domestic product. This in itself reflects the importance of GDP as a macroeconomic indicator. However, around the traditionally known GDP, a change is now underway. According to reports, a few days ago the State Council executive meeting agreed in principle to further improve China’s GDP accounting and data release system, and will carry out the first economic census next year. This means that at the technical level, major changes in GDP are about to take place - the scientific nature of statistics and the reliability of the data will be further strengthened. On the 20th, Director of the National Bureau of Statistics of China, Li Deshui, told a news briefing held by the Information Office of the State Council that the National Bureau of Statistics will further verify the GDP figures from January to September this year and continuously reflect the actual figures more accurately. The revised figures may also be released at the appropriate time next year. At the same time, he announced that the National Bureau of Statistics decided to make a series of adjustments to the accounting and data release procedures for GDP.
2001年12月 12日,水电专家、云南澜沧江水电开发有限公司总工程师马洪琪荣膺中国工程院院士,这是一名清华骄子用学识才干诠释水电人生的佐证,我们云南电业员工为之骄傲。为使读者较详细
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