财政部 财会〔2001〕5号关于印发《企业住房制度改革中有关会计处理问题的规定》的通知

来源 :四川会计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JK0803zhaozhenhong
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现将《企业住房制度改革中有关会计处理问题的规定》印发给你们,请遵照执行。执行中有何问题,请及时函告我部。本通知自 2001年 1月 7日起施行,财政部《关于印发企业住房基金会计处理补充规定的通知》 (财会字 [1995]14号 )同时废止。 附件: 企业住房制度改革中有关会计处 The “Regulations on the Accounting Treatment in the Reform of the Enterprise Housing System” are hereby printed and distributed to you. Please follow the implementation. Any problems during implementation, please write to our department in time. This Circular shall go into effect as of January 7, 2001 and the Circular of the Ministry of Finance on Issuing Supplementary Provisions on Accounting Treatment of Enterprise Housing Funds (Cai Kuai Zi [1995] No. 14) shall be abolished at the same time. Attachment: Accounting department in the reform of enterprise housing system
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