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2005年的新年,在上海的顶层画廊里,画廊负责人赵丹虹和我聊及了画廊的经营和对当代艺术的感受,其中的部分谈话现在已经记忆模糊了,但有一句却给我留下了很深的印象,她说:现在对购买当代艺术的消费,更像是在消费一杯咖啡……大约两个月后,我从一位国际酒店的专业咖啡师处听到一个玩笑,主角是一位文化自信力不高,但资产丰厚的本土老板,一次与外商谈投资,下榻酒店后问助理:我该喝什么样的咖啡?助理说:Espresso。于是对咖啡知之甚少的老板无论到哪个场台,都会在翻看完饮品单后,找到那款 E 开头的单品咖啡对咖啡师说:我要这个!理由很简单,这种意大利特浓咖啡杯子最小,份量最少,但手工烹煮价格昂贵,对不懂咖啡文化的他而言,最贵的就该是最好的。每年的春季,最令居住在中国北方和西部城市的人们感到愤懑的,该属沙尘灾害了.早在十多年前,防风固沙、植树造林就被推广至西北各地。可十多年后,沙尘灾害依然困扰着城市的春季.个别地区每年大量的植树不但没有成活,反而是沙进人退。于是,有着愚公移山精神的植树造林者,年年都在相同的坑里虔诚地花钱种树,投入种树越多,或许来年的沙尘就越严重. In the 2005 New Year, in Shanghai’s top gallery, Zhao Danhong, the director of the gallery, talked to me about the management of the gallery and his perception of contemporary art. Some of the conversations are now blurred, but one left me Impressed, she said: Now spending more on contemporary art purchases is more like spending a cup of coffee ... About two months later, I heard a joke from a professional barista at an international hotel, Bit cultural confidence is not high, but the rich local boss, once invested with foreign investors, after staying at the hotel asked the assistant: What kind of coffee should I drink? Assistant said: Espresso. So little knowledge of the coffee to the boss no matter where the station will be after reading the drink list, find the beginning of the product paragraph E coffee barista said: I want this! The reason is very simple, this Italian special strong The smallest coffee cup, the least amount, but the manual cooking expensive, he did not understand the culture of coffee, the most expensive should be the best. Every year in the spring, most of the people who inhabit northern and western cities in China feel resentful, and the sandstorms have plagued the disaster, and as early as more than 10 years ago, windbreaks and sand-fixation were promoted to various places in the northwest. After more than 10 years, the dust disaster still plagued the city’s spring season. In a few areas, not only did a large number of tree planting fail to survive each year, but sand was withdrawn. As a result, afforestation growers with the spirit of Yugong Yishan devoutly spend money planting trees in the same pits year after year. The more trees are put into planting, the more serious the dust may come in the coming year.
“什么?理解野蛮人?”你也许会说,“这多无聊!我们自己都理解不过来,还去理解野蛮人?”其实这并不是一个无聊的游戏,理解了野蛮人,我们也就能够更好地理解自己。 “You may
近年来,IPv6协议技术逐渐成熟稳定,本文就简单研究一下在IPv6环境中网络蠕虫的传播性能和传播模型,并分析了目前常见的几种网络蠕虫控制策略。 In recent years, IPv6 proto