Aster albescens Rust Caused by Aecidium asterum and Its Hyperparasitic Fungus Tuberculina persicina

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Neldaking
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Aster albescens is a medicinal plant. The rust caused by Aecidium asterum is a new record in China and an importantdisease of A. albescens in Feng Tong-zhai national reservation area. The percentages of diseased plant and the diseasedleaf reach 100 and 28% respectively when the disease is serious. The disease results in leaf spot and leaf cast. Tuberculinapersicina is a natural hyperparasite of A. asterum and is firstly reported in the world. The hyperparasite attacks aecium ofA. asterum and hinderes the release of aeciospores. The symptom of the rust and the morphological characteristics of A.asterum is reported. The hyperparasitism of A. asterum and the morphological characteristics of the Tuberculina persicinaare also reported. Aster albescens is a medicinal plant. The rust caused by Aecidium asterum is a new record in China and an important disease of of A. albescens in Feng Tong-zhai national reservation area. The percentages of diseased plant and the diseasedleaf reach 100 and 28% respectively when the disease results in leaf spot and leaf cast. Tuberculinapersicina is a natural hyperparasite of A. asterum and is first reported in the world. The hyperparasite attacks aecium of A. asterum and hinderes the release of aeciospores. The symptom of the rust and the morphological characteristics of A.asterum is reported. The hyperparasitism of A. asterum and the morphological characteristics of the Tuberculina persicinaare also reported.
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