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一九六五年,我场栽植了一百余株朱砂李。栽后由于没有很好的进行整形修剪,虽然李树长得又高又大,形成了大量花芽,开花甚多,但座果很少,直到一九七○年也未收上果实。这种情况引起了我们的注意。调查分析表明,开花多,座果少,主要是树膛内枝条稠密,影响通风透光,花芽分化不充实的结果。因此,我们首先从修剪上做文章。从一九七○年开始,按自然开心形调整了主、侧枝角度;疏删了过密的大枝;短截部份长、中果枝:控制、改造、利用竟争枝和膛内一些旺枝。这样,就形成了许多短果枝和花束状果枝,加大了结果面积,为翌年开花结果打下了基础。可是,在一九七一年,虽然开花满树,座果仍然不多,而且生理落果十分严重,到采收时平 In 1965, I plant more than a hundred strains of cinnabar. Although the plum tree was tall and large, a large number of flower buds were formed and many flowers were blossomed. However, the fruit was scarce until the fruits were not collected in 1970. This situation caught our attention. Investigation and analysis showed that more flowers and fewer fruit rests are mainly the dense branches in the tree trunk, affecting the ventilation and light penetration, and the unfavorable flower bud differentiation results. So, let’s start with the trimming. Since 1970, the main branch and the branch branches have been adjusted according to the joy of nature. The over-dense branch has been sparsely deleted. The short branch has been made longer: the control, transformation and utilization of some branches and some branches . In this way, many short branches and bouquets of fruiting branches were formed, which increased the area of ​​results and laid the foundation for the following year’s flowering. However, in 1972, although the flowering trees were full, the fruit size was still low, and the physiology was very poor.
大堡公社大堡二队从改变烤烟条件入手,去年增建了改进式土坯新烤房两座,对提高烤烟产量和质量起到了很大作用。改进式烤房的修建 1.结构:高4米(内径,以下同),宽4米,长6米。7
  目的:研究耳鸣评价量表(Tinnitus Evaluation Questionnaire,TEQ)的临床价值.方法:回顾分析四川大学华西医院耳鼻咽喉-头颈外科听力中心的TEQ与耳鸣残疾量表(Tinnitus Hand
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Rice is an important food crop grown in more than 100 countries,and is of particular significance for the Asian people.Obtaining rice cultivars characterized by
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