
来源 :山西化工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangjiejin
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当我們看到化工厅轉来省公安厅所属劳改局务財人員向我們的挑战书,思想上得到了很大的启发。大家都深深地感觉到在党的英明領导下,祖国正以飞跃的速度向前迈进。在这一天等于廾年的时代里,我們財务工作必須树立政治观点,坚决做社会主义建設事业的促进派。我們厂的財务人員虽然很少,但是干勁很足,大家有决心有信心,要解放思想,破除迷信,敢想敢說敢干,树立共产主义风格。为了在以鋼为綱的前题下,尽快建成我省第一个規模巨大的现代化制葯厂,特提出以下几点,作为向兄弟企业挑应战条件,使我們的工作在社会主义大跃进中放出灿烂的花朵。 When we saw the Chemical Department’s transfer of the challenge book to the Finance and Economics Bureau of the Bureau of Public Security under the Provincial Public Security Department, we got a lot of ideas. Everyone deeply feels that under the wise leadership of the party, the motherland is moving forward with a leap forward. In the era when this day is equal to the leap year, our financial work must establish a political viewpoint and resolutely promote the cause of socialist construction. Although there are few financial staff in our factory, we have a lot of energy. Everyone has the determination and confidence to emancipate the mind, get rid of superstitions, dare to dare to speak daringly, and establish a communist style. In order to establish the first large-scale modern pharmaceutical factory in our province as soon as possible under the premise of taking steel as the key, the following points are specifically proposed as the conditions for ushering in warfare with our brother companies so that our work will be in the socialist leap forward. Bring out brilliant flowers.
分析大型回转式空气预热器漏风产生的原因及各部分漏风在总漏风率中的组成,通过实例计算说明减少各部分漏风的经济效益。 The causes of air leakage in large rotary air pr
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[教学目标]  1、理解与掌握“晏如、萧然、汲汲、戚戚”等词语,积累“好读书,不求甚解;每有会意,便欣然忘食”“短褐穿结,箪瓢屡空,晏如也”等名句。  2、熟读并背诵课文,了解人物的性格志趣和精神风貌,体会个性鲜明的写人方法。  3、分析陶渊明不慕荣利、率真自然、安贫乐道的思想性格。  [教学重点]通过分析人物性格,体会作者在文章中抒发的情感志向。  [教学难点]体会作者为什么为自己作传,却言“先
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