
来源 :江西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:amincrazy
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为适当照顾税局职工生活根据当前政府财政情况精简节约的精神及奖励廉洁的原则,特决定税局职工薪资标准如下:(一)职员工薪原则上分甲乙丙丁四等,以二机米计算发放,其发给办法按各分区所在地每月十三至十七日五天平均米价折款发给。主要以积极负责廉洁奉公为主要条件。(二)工薪高低之决定,由各级局所用民主评定上级批准方式核定之。(三)特殊情况之规定:本人如因公致病确实不能到职连续请假一 In order to properly cater for the life of the staff of the IRS According to the current government’s fiscal situation to streamline the spirit of saving and rewarding honesty, the tax rates of staff and workers of the tax bureau should be determined as follows: (I) Staff salaries are divided in principle into two categories: , The method of payment shall be distributed according to the five-day average price of rice discounted at each district on the 13th to the 17th of each month. Mainly to actively responsible for clean and honest as the main condition. (2) The decision on the level of wages and salaries shall be approved by the democratic appraisal system at all levels and approved by the higher level. (C) the special circumstances of the provisions: I as a result of illness can not really leave a continuous leave one
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