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窗外是浓浓的夜,点点星光和远处的灯火兀自在夜中挣扎。教室里,鸦雀无声,正当同学们沉浸于题海时,突然停电了。大家忍不住一阵欢呼,终于可以找到一个理由来休息片刻,我抬起涩涩的双眼,望着窗外,让心灵得到片刻的放飞,思绪也随着夜风而去。我们是特殊的一群,因为我们是高三。小弟弟小妹妹眼中的我们,高高大大,潇潇洒洒,“大人”一样的步伐,自信而充满朝气;老师眼中的我们,富于幻想,勇敢果断,有时却“难以对付”;父母眼中的我们,稳重懂事,虽然也会有孩子气……我们眼中的自己,快乐而充实。高三的日子平淡而快乐,紧张而充实;高三的生活被考试所填满:大考小考中考会考模拟考试摸底考试,一遍遍的排名,一次次的较量,忙忙碌碌中,竟又从笔尖下滑过去了半个学期,在这算算写写中,生出几多感慨,几多无奈,不能不说时间太快,高三啊高三!高三了,我不得不放下我的电视、我的音乐、我的画画和我的小说。《地球超人》跟我道别,“机器猫”不 Outside the window is a thick night, little stars and lights in the distance, struggling in the night. There was no sound in the classroom. When the students were immersed in the sea, they suddenly lost power. We couldn’t help but cheer for a moment and finally we could find a reason to take a short break. I lifted up my Sese eyes and looked out of the window to let the mind be released for a moment and my thoughts went away with the night breeze. We are a special group because we are seniors. In the eyes of our younger brother and sister, we are tall and tall, and we have the same pace as adults. We are confident and full of vigor; teachers in the eyes of our teachers are full of fantasy, brave and decisive, and sometimes “difficult to deal with”; In the eyes of our parents, we are steadfast and sensible. Although we are also childish, we are happy and fulfilled in our eyes. The days of senior high school were dull and happy, intense and fulfilling; the third year’s life was filled with exams: the exam entrance exam exam exam simulation test, over and over the rankings, again and again, busy, but actually fell from the nib In the past half a semester, in this writing, there was a lot of emotion, a lot of helplessness. I couldn’t help but say that the time was too fast. I was a senior high school senior, a senior, a senior, and I had to put down my TV, my music, and I Paintings and my novels. “Superman of Earth” says goodbye to me, “Viking” doesn’t
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新安一贾人,欲得文敏书而惧其赝也。谋诸文敏之客,客令具厚币,介入谒。备宾主礼,命童磨墨,墨浓,文敏乃起挥毫授贾,贾大喜拜谢。持归悬堂中,过客见之,无不叹绝。 Xin’an Yi
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