
来源 :液压与气动 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:CIA007
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引言对液压元件和系统进行建模和分析时,常常需要了解某些内部运动体的运动情况,如阀芯位移等。目前位移传感器的种类很多,但一般难以适应这种测量。如果测量处的油液有压力,需考虑密封,不能采用接触式测量。采用电容式或涡流式测振仪作非接触测量,要求传感器沿运动方向很靠近运动体,需改变被测元件的原有结构。这类传感器测量范围较窄,一般只有2 mm 左右。本文讨论的超声波非接触位移测量,探头安装在元件体外,不需改变原有结构,无负载,测量范围较宽,线性度较好,受压力温度的影响小,可用于动态测量,另外,结构简 Introduction When modeling and analyzing hydraulic components and systems, it is often necessary to understand the movement of some internal moving bodies, such as spool displacement. At present, many kinds of displacement sensors, but generally difficult to adapt to this measurement. If the measurement of oil pressure, need to consider the seal, can not be used contact measurement. Capacitive or eddy current vibrometer for non-contact measurement requires the sensor along the direction of motion is very close to the moving body, the need to change the original structure of the component under test. This kind of sensor has a narrow measurement range, generally only about 2 mm. This article discusses the ultrasonic non-contact displacement measurement, the probe installed in vitro, without changing the original structure, no load, wide measuring range, good linearity, small pressure and temperature effects, can be used for dynamic measurement, in addition, the structure simple
我于1986年5月25~29日参加了日本国东京理科大学召开的国际计算力学会议(简称为IC CM86.TOKYO)。会议的宗旨是对世界性质的计算力学领域中的研究工作进行广泛的学术交流及讨
受到运输工具的限制,运输汽车的业务目前只是少数财大气粗的专业物流公司的“专利”。目前,在我国道路运输领域中,用来运输轿车的工具只有“轿车运输专用 Limited by the me
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Ezra Pound is one of the founders of the American Imagist poetry, and Chinese Classic Poetry happened to be a great stimulus as the Renaissance from the Greeks