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曾农髯,名熙,湖南衡阳人,光绪进士,善书,尤善《夏承碑》及《黑女志》,晚年亦学画山水。民初,贫困甚,因夙与清道人友善,常往谈。一日,道人谓:“君何不卖字?”曾曰:“字生意皆被你做去,我尚何足卖?”道人曰:“天下生意天下做,我何能尽?”乃随 Zeng Nong 髯, Ming Xi, Hunan Hengyang, Guangxu Jinshi, good books, especially good, “Xia Cheng monument” and “Black Lady”, old age also learn painting landscape. At the beginning of the Republic of China, poverty was very poor and was often talked about because of being friendly with the servants. On the 1st, the Taoists said: “Why do not you sell the word?” Once said: “The word business is what you are doing, and I still sell?” Taoist said: “The world is doing business, how can I do ? ”Is with
A numerical scheme is developed to simulate electro-osmotic flow and mass transport in a microchannel which includes a 180° tu. The model has been used to pred
We study a system for a single-mode laser driven by additive and multiplicative coloured noises with a coloured cross-correlation. The analytical expression of
A main-road cellular automata traffic flow model on two dimensions is presented based on the Biham-Middleton-Levine traffic model. Its evolution equations are g
人体速写训练在动画课程中非常重要,是学生学习动作设计的必修课。合理安排人体速写课才能使学生较快掌握动作设计的要领。 Body sketching training is very important in
The exact solutions of the rate equations of the n-polymer stochastic aggregation involving two types of clusters,active and passive for the keel n∏κ=1 siκ (
A chaotic synchronized system of two coupled skew tent maps is discussed in this paper. The locally and globallyriddled basins of the chaotic synchronized attra
The channel interactions between the Ba 6pnl (J=1) autoionizing series with different l and n have been observedby means of unsaturation and saturation excitati
We employ an optical second harmonic generation(SHG) technique to investigate the surfeace behaviours at the liquid(solid)/vapour interface of the Ga-Bi binary