Relationship between Meaning and Expression in Architecture Design

来源 :Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blackfairy
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During the evolvement of architecture, the research on architectural form and structure as well as different ways to express and realize architectural thoughts is constantly the focus of many architects. This paper illustrates the mutual influence of the ways of expression and design of architecture to people’s understanding of the meaning of architecture throughout the history of their efforts and exploration. The paper also discusses the extensive usage of virtual-reality approach through computer technology. It points out that the traditional architectural standpoint will undergo breakthrough by the emergence of new expression and design method. In this way, people’s understanding of architecture will be more profound and lasting. During the evolvement of architecture, the research on architectural form and structure as well as different ways to express and realize architectural thoughts is often the focus of many architects. This paper illustrates the mutual influence of the ways of expression and design of architecture to people’s understanding of the meaning of architecture throughout the history of their efforts and exploration. The paper also discusses the extensive usage of virtual-reality approach through computer technology. It points out that the traditional architectural standpoint will wish breakthrough by the emergence of new expression and design method In this way, people’s understanding of architecture will be more profound and lasting.
呼盟大兴安岭农场管理局植物油厂的一台SZF6—1.25—H型锅炉,1996年11月正式投运,其间运行状况正常,1997年4月11日6时左右锅炉突然自行灭火,无法运行,只能停炉进行检验。 H
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