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目的:探讨无先兆偏头痛(migraine without aura,MwoA)患者视觉网络功能连接(functional connectivity,FC)的异常变化。方法:收集33名2019年7月至2020年7月在神经内科就诊的MwoA患者(MwoA组)的临床资料,并以同期体检的22名健康志愿者为对照组。两组均进行静息态功能磁共振成像扫描,采用RESTplus软件包对静息态功能磁共振数据进行分析,以基于独立成分分析方法提取视觉网络,并分析得到视觉网络内有功能差异的脑区,随后比较这些功能差异脑区与全脑其他脑区的FC差异。结果:与健康对照组相比,MwoA组视觉网络内部左侧梭状回、右侧舌回和右侧枕上回的功能活性明显增强。左侧梭状回与左侧枕下回的FC明显减低;但与左侧前扣带回及右侧额上回的FC增强。右侧舌回与左侧丘脑、左侧额中回及右侧额上回的FC增强;右侧枕上回与右侧额上回的FC亦增强。另外,左侧梭状回到左侧前扣带回的FC强度与病程呈正相关(n r=0.365,n P=0.047)、左侧梭状回到右侧额上回的FC强度与头痛程度呈负相关(n r=-0.424,n P=0.020)。n 结论:MwoA患者存在视觉网络内部以及与其他脑网络相关脑区FC失调,部分脑区神经环路功能损伤,并且MwoA患者随病情持续进展部分代偿脑区呈失代偿改变。“,”Objective:To investigate the changed functional connectivity (FC) of the visual network in patients with migraine without aura (MwoA).Methods:Clinical data of thirty-three patients with MwoA(MwoA group) who visited neurology department from July 2019 to July 2020 were collected, and twenty-two healthy volunteers were recruited as healthy controls (HCs group). All subjects underwent resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging scans, and the RESTplus software package was used to analyze the resting state function data.The visual network was extracted based on independent component analysis to compare the differences in visual cortex.Subsequently, seed-base FC analysis was used to investigate the changed FC between the visual network and rest of whole brain.Results:Compared with the HCs group, the FC of left fusiform gyrus, right lingual gyrus and right superior occipital gyrus (SOG) within the visual network in MwoA group were significantly increased.MowA group showed increased FC between the left fusiform gyrus and the right superior frontal gyrus (SFG) and left anterior cingulum cortex (ACC), between the right lingual gyrus and left thalamus, left middle frontal gyrus (MFG) and right SFG, and between the right SOG and the SFG, as well as the decreased FC between the left fusiform gyrus and the left inferior occipital gyrus (IOG). Moreover, the changed FC between the left fusiform gyrus and left ACC was positively correlated with disease duration (n r=0.365, n P=0.047), and the changed FC between the left fusiform with right SFG was negatively correlated with headache severity (n r=-0.424, n P=0.020).n Conclusion:The FC of inter- and intra-visual network in MwoA patients is changed, with parts of brain regions are associated with some neural circuits.Additionally, the compensatory period translates to the worse period along with disease progression in MwoA.