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一项健康调查显示,胃镜检查异常者高达九成,在所有疾病中排行第一,多数中年人都不同程度患有胃病,尤其是胃溃疡。尤其到了夏季,更是胃病的高发期。成都胃病医院业务副院长温育敏分析说,胃病的发生与胃黏液密切相关,胃黏液是胃体分泌的用来保护胃黏膜、提升胃动力的物质。充足的胃黏液能覆盖整个胃黏膜,隔离胃酸、生冷和刺激性食物、酒精及幽门螺旋杆菌等有害物质的侵蚀,保护胃黏膜不受伤害,同时提升胃动力保障消化。一旦胃黏液分泌不足,各种致病因素 A health survey shows that abnormal gastroscopy as high as Jiucheng, ranked first in all diseases, most middle-aged people have varying degrees of stomach problems, especially gastric ulcer. Especially to the summer, but also the high incidence of stomach. Chengdu stomach stomach hospital vice president of Wen Yimin analysis said that the occurrence of stomach problems and gastric mucus is closely related to gastric mucus is secreted by the gastric body to protect the gastric mucosa and enhance gastric motility substances. Adequate gastric mucus can cover the entire gastric mucosa, gastric acid isolation, cold and irritating food, alcohol and Helicobacter pylori and other harmful substances erosion, protect the gastric mucosa from injury, while improving gastric motility to ensure the digestion. Once gastric mucus secretion, a variety of pathogenic factors
靳恒山,男,生于1946年4月11日,中共党员,大专文化程度,系洋县教育局局长。 靳恒山同志自十九岁从教以来,当过小学教师、中学教师,历任中学教导主任、校长、区教育组长、教育