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论文意在介绍作者的一种“反逻各斯中心主义”的思想。首先,作者想指出这一主题的两个方面。第一,即使哲学思考本质上建立在逻辑形式的基础上,它有时也呈现出非逻辑性。但该非逻辑性是有意义的。第二,这与西方思想和作者思想之间的区别有关。前者崇尚理性思考,严格依循形式逻辑。的确,没有理性我们就无法进行思考,但比如当我们处理复杂系统时,我们无法遵循排中律,因为对立效果共存于在复杂系统中涌现的交界面上。就复杂系统而言,无法接受只选择一种可能性而否定其他可能性。这些两可的情形并非不常见,但我们经常忽视它们。然而这些情形并不像我们认为的那样无秩序,它们可以按照它们实际的样子获得接受。作者称这种思维为“被动思维”。这样就有两种类型的哲学思维。一类是理性思维,另一类是被动思维。后者常常停留在发生于复杂系统交界面的不遵循逻辑形式的矛盾中。在这种情况下,我们不能理性地思考,因为这里对立效果并存。再者,这里我们发现了某种完全新的东西,即“涌现属性”; 这正是被动思维才会予以考虑的。从很早的时候开始,日本人就已经赋予了被动思维更多的重要性。 The thesis intends to introduce the author’s idea of ​​“anti-logocentrism”. First, the author wants to point out two aspects of the subject. First, even though philosophical thinking is essentially based on logical forms, it sometimes appears illogical. But this illogicality makes sense. Second, it relates to the difference between Western thought and author’s thought. The former advocates rational thinking, strictly follow the formal logic. Indeed, we can not think without reason, but when we deal with complex systems, for example, we can not follow the law of middle ranks because the opposing effects coexist on the interface that emerges in a complex system. In the case of complex systems, it is unacceptable to choose only one possibility and negate other possibilities. These two conditions are not uncommon, but we often ignore them. However, these situations are not as orderless as we think, and they can be accepted as they are. The author calls this kind of thinking “passive thinking.” There are two types of philosophical thinking in this way. One is rational thinking, the other is passive thinking. The latter often remain in the non-compliance of logical forms that occur at the interfaces of complex systems. Under such circumstances, we can not think rationally because the opposing effects coexist here. Again, here we find something completely new, that is, “emerging properties”; that’s exactly what passive thinking does. From a very early age, the Japanese have given more importance to passive thinking.
思考了一段时间后,我终于做出了决定,把贺卡送给了小辛。一张贺卡,见证了我要告别那段不知道能不能称之为爱情的东西的决心。 After thinking for some time, I finally mad
有一则勇于追求梦想的真实故事,发生在旧金山贫民区一个叫辛普森的小男孩身上。辛普森因为营养不良又患有软骨症,六岁的时候,双腿便严重 There is a true story of daring t
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