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来源 :China Particuology Science and Technology of Particles | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rongtian2588
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The word PARTICUOLOGY was coined to parallel the Chinese title for the science and technology of particles,颗粒学(ke-li-xue), by combining the Latin prefix particula for particles and the Greek suffix logia denoting subject of study.Although particuology was practiced for many years in China, as described by Song Ying-Xing in his medieval writing,Tien Kung Kai Wu (开工开物, ca. 1637), such as the winnowing of grain and the panning of iron sand, particuology wasrecognized only in the relatively recent past as a cross-, inter- and multi-disciplinary subject, absorbing the knowledge of The word PARTICUOLOGY was coined to parallel the Chinese title for the science and technology of particles, by combining the Latin prefix particula for particles and the Greek suffix logia denoting subject of study. Although particuology was practiced for many years in China, as described by Song Ying-Xing in his medieval writing, Tien Kung Kai Wu (开 开 开, ca. 1637), such as the winnowing of grain and the panning of iron sand, particuology wasrecognized only in the relatively recent past as a cross-, inter- and multi-disciplinary subject, absorbing the knowledge of
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