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(一)1987年元月,凌岳高被乡党委任命为龙田水泥厂的厂长兼党支部书记。上任伊始,摆在他面前的是一副“烂摊子”:机械设备陈旧,原材料库和半成品库两栋合计400多个平方米的厂房倒塌;企农矛盾突出。用户因水泥质量问题纷纷上门退货索赔;130多名职工半年多未发工资,财务账本上无情地记载着亏损50余万元……凌岳高没有被吓倒,在第一次全厂职工大会上,他斩钉截铁地说:“厂兴我荣,厂衰我耻,我们要卧薪尝胆,苦干实干,为振兴水泥厂流血流汗。”在恢复生产的日子里,他和职工们吃在一起,住在一起,劳动在一起,同滚一身灰,同流一身汗。为了改造设备和危房,他跑东家,奔西家,向有关单位和部门借贷17万余元。在经营管理上,凌岳高首先搬掉了化验员的“铁交椅”。他向社会公开招考,择优录取8名化验员,并花资1万余元送有关部门培训。发现化验员工作不负责,随时换岗到车间劳动。化验员的工作责任感加强了,水泥质量也得到保证。同时,他还对供销员采取定任务、定费用、定报酬的措施,加强了供销员的责任心,收回了一大批长期难以收回的贷款。此外,他大胆启用一批德才兼备的人员或进入厂领导班子,或担任中层骨干;辞退和解雇了一批不守厂纪厂规的人,水泥厂的一切工作开始正常运转……经过一年的拼搏,水泥产量突破1万吨,盈利7万余元,创历史最高水平。职工们不仅领到了工资和 (A) January 1987, Ling Yue Gao by the township party committee appointed Longtian Cement Factory director and party branch secretary. At the beginning of his term of office, he was confronted with a “mess”: outdated machinery and equipment, two raw materials and semi-finished products warehouses totaling more than 400 square meters of factory buildings collapsed; Users have come back for cement quality problems claims; more than half of workers more than six months without wages, financial books ruthlessly recorded losses of more than 50 million ... ... Ling Yue Gao was not intimidated, the first factory workers meeting, He resolutely said: “The plant revitalize my wing, plant shame my shame, we must Revival, hard work hard, to promote the bloody sweat of the cement plant.” In the resumption of production, he and his staff ate, living in Together, work together, with a roll of ash, the same sweat. In order to transform equipment and dilapidated buildings, he ran the clubhouse and ran west home to borrow about 170,000 yuan from the relevant units and departments. In business management, Ling Yue Gao first removed the laboratory technician’s “iron chair.” He openly recruit to the public, merit-based admission of eight laboratory technicians, and spent more than 10,000 yuan to the relevant departments for training. Laboratory technicians found no responsibility, at any time change to the workshop labor. Lab technicians work more strengthened sense of responsibility, cement quality is also guaranteed. At the same time, he also took on the salesman to set tasks, set fees, set remuneration measures to strengthen the sense of responsibility of the sales staff, to recover a large number of long-term difficult to recover the loan. In addition, he boldly enabled a group of people with both ability and political integrity to enter the factory leadership or serve as middle-level cadres; dismissed and fired a number of people who did not abide by the rules and regulations of factories and factories and started the normal operation of the cement plant ... After a year Hard work, cement production exceeded 10,000 tons, profit 7 million yuan, the highest record level. Workers not only received wages and