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  【Abstract】As a new kind of learning resources, the microlecture has been concerned and becomes more and more deeply used into every field of teaching. This article mainly analyzes the significance of the present situation and development of entrance education. And it elaborates the programs of the microlecture for college freshmen’s entrance education detailed, including the analysis of learner characteristics, design of teaching objectives, learning contents, learning strategies and learning evaluations. To make it convenient for college freshmen learning entrance educational content in digital campus.
  【Key words】Entrance Education; Microlecture; Instructional Design
  【中图分类号】G64 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)01-0177-02
  The entrance education is the first course when freshmen enter the campus, and is the primary understanding of college life which affects freshmen’s learning enthusiasm, attitude and academic performance for the next four years. Currently, Chinese universities emphasize on enrollment education. However, when facing Post?鄄95s that have more distinctive characteristics, thus there are still many problems. With the rapid spread of the development of mobile phone, Wi?鄄Fi, 4G mobile networks cover a wide range, all boosting the development of mobile learning. In view of the present situation of the entrance education, it designs the microlecture for freshmen entrance education based on the ADDIE model, to widen pathways of freshmen entrance education, meet their needs of mobile learning, and improve the quality of university entrance education.
  1. Model of Instructional Design of Microlecture
  ADDIE model is an instructional design model and the five letters represent for Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. Instructional design of the microlectures for college freshmen entrance education are mainly based on it, as shown in Figure 1, including five stages: analysis of learner feature, design of teaching objectives, learning content, learning strategies, and learning assessment. Specific design process adheres to the certain principles will detail elaborate in the flowing part.
  2. Analysis of learner’s characteristics
  Analysis of learner’s characteristics is the first part of the microlectures of entrance education design, and the prerequisites of develop high?鄄quality microlectures. By analyzing the characteristics of students who just entered the university campus we find that there are many problems. First, they have high enthusiasm in the daily life, but cannot take care of themselves. Second, the psychological aspects: their thought is not mature and adaptability is weak. Third, the social aspect: they are social ineptitude and hard to communicate with others. Fourth, time arrangement is not reasonable and lack of academic and career planning.   3. Design of teaching objectives for entrance education For college freshmen characteristics of “Post?鄄95s” and the current status of entrance education, the development of mobile?鄄based microlecture of entrance education satisfies the freshmen’s individualized learning in an informal environment at anytime and anywhere. In this paper formulates Cognitive teaching objectives and cognitive emotional teaching objectives.
  3.1 Cognitive teaching objectives
  The objective of entrance education based on Broome’s cognitive teaching objectives divides into five levels: memory, understanding, simple application, comprehensive application, creation, as shown in table 1.
  3.2 Emotional teaching objectives
  The system of emotional teaching objectives is divided into 5 levels: accepting, thinking, appealing, deep?鄄love, character formatting, as shown in table 2.
  4. Analysis of the content of freshmen entrance education microlecture
  The main purpose of entrance education microlecture is to help freshmen adapt to college life periodically. To develop the freshmen entrance education microlecture, content selection is top priority. Based on the characteristics of microlecture, the entrance education microlecture is divided into 8 major modules.
  (1)School situation. School situation includes school history, school organization, school rules, school concept, campus culture and other aspects. According to the content it needs to divide to small themes.
  (2)Campus safety. Campus safety content is divided into national security, campus security, dormitory security and self?鄄protection. Each piece of the content is subdivided to form the campus safety programs.
  (3)Adaptation. Through the learning of adaptation microlecture: role change, self?鄄understanding, self?鄄transformation, psychological guidance etc. it helps freshmen change their ideas and adapt to college life.
  (4)Learning courses. By microlecture about major profiles, lesson plans, credit requirements, national examinations, scholarships, graduation requirements, and other major modules, guiding freshmen to have a whole understanding and according to their preferences select the courses.
  (5)Information. When freshmen enter college they should be aware of access to learning resources to improve learning efficiency. The information includes campus website, the library resources, digital learning resources, the query results, online course modules etc.   (6)Practice. Life in university is colorful which could meet each student’s interests and help to develop students’ expertise. By introducing student organizations, student unions, skills competitions, work?鄄study programs help freshmen understand the school’s activities in a short time.
  (7)Planning. A good start is half the battle and a good planning is the key to success. The “planning” is to introduce the presentation of the learning task and they need to complete during four college years which can help freshmen to form their own learning plans.
  (8)Employment. Through the study of microlecture of employment, freshmen know the forms of employment, future career choices and career guidance. It helps them to better understand the major and to lay the foundation for future learning.
  5. Design of learning assessment for freshmen entrance education microlecture
  5.1 Formative assessment for entrance education microlecture
  Formative assessment is the evaluation in the whole process of learning. Entrance education is to help freshmen to quickly adapt to college life and learning. And the content requires evaluating from many aspects. Through questionnaires can reflect the majority of student learning more objectively. Sometimes, interviews with representative students can subjectively understand the freshmen’s learning of the entrance education microlecture.
  5.2 Evaluation of test scores
  Evaluation of test scores is quantitative evaluation, objectively reflecting the situation of learners. With the advantage of mobile platforms, it designs exercise program for each microlecture to help freshmen self?鄄examination; then designs a detection module in platform to exam the student’s mastery of entrance education microlecture comprehensively. If the score reaches 60 points, the system automatically generates a graduation certificate and adds the score into the total credits to improve the quality of school’s entrance education.
  6. Summary
  Despite the universities emphasis on entrance education gradually, there are still many problems that should be solved. In this paper, it details the instructional design of entrance education microlecture to provide guidance for the development of universities’ entrance education microlecture in the digital campus environment. Convenient for freshmen use mobile phones, ipad and other mobile terminal learn the microlecture. Then improve the effectiveness of entrance education. But because entrance education is a practice course with complex content which needs universities to attach great importance by investing some money and manpower and actively recommending to the freshmen to improve the quality of entrance education.
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  吴海霞(1990-),女,陕西榆林人,天津职业技术师范大学,信息技术工程学院 2013 级硕士研究生,研究方向为职业教育信息化。
  陈碧玉(1990-),女,河北承德人,天津职业技术师范大学 信息技术工程学院 2014 级硕士研究生,研究方向为职业教育信息化。
【摘要】对于物理教学来说,物理实验是最为基础的教学方式之一,同时也是提高教学效果的重要方式之一。学生在参与物理实验的过程中,往往会对自己动手实践的内容产生十分深刻的印象,同时也可以让学生掌握好物理概念与理论,因此可以说让学生进行物理实验可以帮助学生养成物理思维,提高学习的效果与质量。基于此本文针对在物理教学中优化物理实验培养学生的物理思维进行了简要阐述,并提出几点个人看法,仅供参考。  【关键词】
【摘要】初中化学是一门独特的学科,仅仅依靠理论性教学的方法是不足以让学生学习到更多的化学知识的,其实实验是其重要的组成部分,实验性教学的效率是能够直接影响学生的学习成绩的。但是由于传统的教学理念与教学模式的影响,我国的初中化学实验性教学效率迟迟得不到提高,本文将对初中化学的实验性教学中的现状、内容以及解决对策进行研究,从而提高我国初中化学的实验性教学效率。  【关键词】初中化学 实验教学 研究  
【摘要】学生的心理健康关系着个人的生命活力、积极的内心活动以及良好的生活、社会体验。只有学生心理健康,才能提高自身的身体和心理素质,锻炼坚毅的品格和培养积极向上的生活态度。目前,我国教育方面非常注重高职院校学生的心理健康,因此,本文着重分析了拓展训练对高职院校学生心理健康的影响。  【关键词】拓展训练 高职 学生 心理健康 影响  【基金项目】本研究是嘉兴职业技术学院科研立项项目“高职院校学生心理