Under the background of “design stratification” the attention should be paid to the study of audienc

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  【Abstract】 The class structure of modern Chinese society has taken initial shape, which contains complex personnel and different social resources. In the context of “design stratification”, for the audience’s psychological studies should be put in important position, by the method of communication and psychology to the design of the audience to accept activities in-depth analysis,from the audience to accept need,motive,psychological effect and psychological tendency to four aspects carries on the analysis, eliminate design communication barriers and misunderstandings,finally realizes the benign interaction of designers and the audience,so that the design can more effectively serve the social construction,make a design as a kind of communication activity can truly realize effective communication and information dissemination from all walks of life.
  【Key words】design layering; Audience psychology; Design for dissemination; The benign interaction
  【作者簡介】Fanhao, Qilu University of Technology Shandong.
  Design psychology is an important aspect of the design theory research,but most of the time on the study of design psychology or stay on to design the product function,appearance,colour for the study of the influence of the audience,with little real from the audience’s own psychological activity,psychological demand and psychological tendency to are discussed. Through the study of communication,especially the audience psychology, it can be found that the audience,or consumers’ psychological activities and psychological state have a decisive impact on their final choice. Social stratification makes the changes in audience psychology more complex and diverse,therefore,to make the design concept or design products more effective dissemination or circulation,the study of audience psychology is more urgent.
  1. Design is a communication activity
  In essence,design activity is a kind of human communication activity. The task of designers is to improve the quality of information dissemination,enhance the power of information dissemination. The progress of science and technology cannot directly improve the quality of information, nor will it necessarily make the flow of information more effective, while the acceptance of design form and design concept by the audience often becomes the decisive factor for the success of design.
  “When the individual information receiver is exposed to the mass media and receives the information work alone,it is the role of consumer,decoder,participant,feedback,with the essential characteristics of passivity and initiative.” Due to the differences in family conditions,social environment and value orientation,audiences will show different attitudes towards the communication activity of design,which will directly lead to the stratification of design.If we want to stratify the research design more accurately, we must conduct the research on thepsychological level of the audience.   2.Audience psychology research is the key link of design stratification
  Designers will inevitably face a variety of social contradictions when designing products.It is necessary to alleviate social contradictions through rational and scientific analysis of design stratification.How to communicate well with the audience is undoubtedly the key to solve this problem.Communication is based on mutual respect and understanding. Therefore, psychological research on design audience is the key link of design stratification research. The acceptance needs, motivation,psychological effect and psychological tendency of the audience are the important factors influencing the design acceptance,and also the important contents of the study on the audience psychology.
  (1)Satisfying the audience’s psychological needs is the primary task of design
  All human activities are to meet needs, design activities are no exception. Today’s design has been able to basically meet people’s physiological needs, and the audience is more to pursue the safety needs, social needs,dignity needs, self-realization needs given by design.Therefore, only by understanding the specific needs of the audience under specific conditions and designing the content and form corresponding to this,can designers make the products they design be recognized and accepted. There are various ways to understand the needs of the audience,such as sampling survey, questionnaire design, content analysis, control experiment, etc., which can be used as a way for the designer to communicate with the audience.
  (2)Correctly grasping the motivation of the audience is the key link of design
  Motivation is an individual’s intention, desire, ideal, belief, etc., to promote an activity.As a design activity serving the public,correctly grasping the motivation of the audience can make the design activity achieve twice the result with half the effort.The real driver of design acceptance should come from the recipient of the design itself. Whether external motivation or internal engine,surface motivation or deep motivation,the designer should be accurate grasp.If you want to make your design more in line with the audience psychology,the research on the deep motivation of audience design acceptance should be in an important position.
  (3)The psychological effect of the audience determines the acceptability of the design
  “In communication activities, when the audience places the communicator or information source in a position of high authority and reliability,such identification will turn into belief in the information content”.Therefore,”the generation of the prestige effect of audience psychology mainly depends on the prestige and status of the communicator, communication organization or information source in the audience’s mind”.This audience psychology can be used as an important reference for design activities.When a designer or design company wants to convey a serious, social concept,it can adopt a more formal design.Such as high-grade car itself is to satisfy consumers’ desire for status or power, when consumers have intention to buy, he want to know is the stability of the vehicle,massiness,he pursues social recognition of him,as a result,consumers will not choose to instead the public car, but choose the high authority,the proportion of big brand. For another example, in the environmental design of churches, courts, conference centers, etc.,high authority,high reliability and even serious design will make the audience spontaneously develop a respect for religion, law and conference, and all kinds of activities carried out on such occasions can achieve the desired goal.
  (4)The audience’s psychological tendency is an important reference to design stratification
  The audience will have different psychological tendency in the design acceptance,which is different from the psychological effect of the audience. It is more reflected in the audience’s individual psychological acceptance of the design,while the influence of factors from the designer level is not obvious.The audience’s psychological tendency mainly includes general psychology, individual psychology,forward psychology and reverse psychology. Each different audience psychology is mainly related to the audience’s own education level, social environment, product expectations, temperament, age, region, nationality and other background.Designers should be good at taking advantage of the audience’s psychological tendency to design activities.
【摘要】当前,中国基础教育课程改革的一个重要方面是关注学生的情感态度的发展,并在此基础上,在学科的教育和教学中渗透学生情感态度的培养。学科的教育和教学。通过重视小学英语课堂的情感教育以及研究如何有效地将情感教育用于课堂教学,这是提高英语教学质量的重要一步。  【关键词】情感教育;小学英语教学;师生关系  【作者简介】梁文朗,广东高州沙田镇沙田中心小学。  情感教育,是小学英语教学过程中非常重要的内
【摘要】随着新时代的到来,思政教育开始逐渐走进高职英语课堂,为高职英语教学改革带来了新的动力,也是高职英语改革面临的挑战之一。为了保证在多模态视域下,高职英语课程思政教学模式更加完善,英语教师有必要通过教学反思,对以往的教学模式、教学方法等进行思考,正视教学改革中遇到的问题,建立全新的教学模式,进而真正推动高职英语课程思政教学模式的建设进程。  【关键词】多模态;高职英语;课程思政  【作者简介】
【摘要】《普通高中英语课程标准》明确提出,在进一步发展学生综合语言运用能力的基础上,着重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。本文结合一节高中英语同课异构阅读公开课,探讨了如何在阅读教学中开展深度阅读,构建以读促写、读写结合的训练模式,做到读写相长,从而实现高中英语高效课堂教学的目标。  【关键词】阅读教学;信息输入;信息输出;读写
【摘要】随着互联网技术的不断完善与更新发展,现代远程教育逐渐进入人们的视线,它借助先进的智能工具与网络平台来组织实时的网络教学与非实时的线上辅导,由此拓展教学时空,切实保障学生的学习权益。本文笔者将浅析“停课不停学”期间初中英语组织线上教学的可行策略和得失情况。  【关键词】初中英语;线上教学;实施策略;得失分析  【作者简介】余岚,福建省南平市顺昌县第一中学。  为了响应“停课不停学”的号召,笔
一、概述  在我国小学英语教学中,故事教学是一种很重要的教学形式。故事的学习激发孩子强烈的好奇心和学习兴趣的同时,提供了理想的语言输入,将语言知识在完整的故事情境中呈现。与其他教学模式相比,育人价值在故事教学中的合理体现则显得尤其重要。而如何通过故事教学的方式来提升学生的英语核心素养,也是教师必须要深入探索和思考的要务。  笔者以小学英语故事教学的亲身教学经历,以修订版PEP《英语》五(上)Uni
【摘要】江苏高考英语总分为120分,作文占25分,抓住这25分,是高考英语成败的关键。怎样帮助学生得到这25分,是我们一线英语教师必须研究的课题。  【关键词】英语作文;词汇;句式;书写  【作者简介】陶勤,江苏省常熟市浒浦高级中学。  一、前世篇  很多未经老师指导的学生作文,充满了形形色色的错误。笔者把这些错误百出的学生习作统称为英语作文的前世。考生的典型错误有以下几种:  1.审题偏题跑题。
【摘要】对如何提升英语写作素养,本文将从内化评价标准入手,以误差分析为手段,通过小组动态合作的方式探讨提升写作素养的方法,寻求出可行可施的写作“教学相长”模式。  【关键词】误差分类;评价标准;动态合作  【作者简介】陈平,南京市燕子矶中学。  一、引言  Stephen D. Krashen认为第二语言习得的过程受以下三种情感因素的影响:1.动力。学生的学习目的是否明确,直接影响学习效果。目的明
【摘要】当前信息化技术在我国教育领域已经取得广泛应用,探索外语教育过程和智能化技术结合途径已经成为教育界主要关注问题。本文主要围绕外语教学存在的不足以及信息化技术下高职院校AB级考试的外语教学过程等方面展开讨论,具体分析了当前外语教学的突出问题,进一步针对外语教学网络化建设途径进行探讨,旨在为外语教学活动的高效开展提供技术保障,以便提高教学质量及效率。  【关键词】智能化;AB级考试;外语教学  
【摘要】英语这门语言学科的学习需要一定的语言学习环境,需要一定语言运用的机会,更需要学生不断的积累与提升。在义务教育的农村中学,学生普遍存在着基础差、学习能力弱,缺少良好的学习习惯与学习品质的特点,英语这门学科教学质量普遍不高。本文就农村初中的英语学科教学中学生厌学心理成因与对应的解决策略进行探讨。  【关键词】农村中学;英语学科;厌学心理;成因与对策  【作者简介】吴逸如,江苏省淮安市朱坝中学。