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一般的静校正方法都是假设地震波在剖面上部的传播射线是垂直地表的(或基准面),因此,一个地震道只有一个静校正量。这种假设对相对高差很大的大山区来说是不成立的。为了适应大山区的特点,现将炮点和检波点按其射线路径从地面移至基准面进行校正,其校正时间是炮检距、反射层深度、反射层倾角、检波点和炮点同基准面的高差以及地震波在剖面上部传播速度的函数。为同一般静校正方法相区别,称之为“延拓静校正”。延拓后的正常时差校正为“延拓动校正”,两者一起统称为“延拓校正”。用延拓校正原理编制的倾角速度扫描程序可同时获得某个CMP附近的反射层倾角与均方根速度,此二参数的变化,不仅可用于延拓校正,且能粗略地反映剖面上速度变化的规律。用“延拓校正”程序在川东、川南等地区的几个剖面试处理,都得到了较好的效果。 The usual methods of static correction assume that the propagation of seismic waves in the upper part of the profile is perpendicular to the Earth’s surface (or datum), so that there is only one static correction for one seismic trace. This assumption is not valid for large mountain areas with relatively large altitudes. In order to adapt to the characteristics of the mountainous area, the shot point and the detection point are moved from the ground to the reference surface according to the ray path. The correction time is the offset, the depth of the reflection layer, the tilt angle of the reflection layer, the detection point and the shot point are the same as the reference point Surface elevation as well as seismic wave propagation velocity in the upper part of the profile. For the same static correction method is different, called “extension static correction.” The extension of the normal time difference correction for the “Extension dynamic correction”, both collectively referred to as “extension correction.” The dip-angle scanning program developed by continuation principle can obtain the reflection angle and root mean square velocity near a certain CMP. The change of these two parameters can not only be used for continuation correction, but also can roughly reflect the change of velocity The law. With “extension correction” program in Sichuan, Sichuan and other regions of several cross-section test, have been better results.
在这个世界上,尽管每个国家都希望自己能成为世界强国,然而世界各国的综合国力、繁荣程度却参差不齐,随着时间的推移,强国和弱国的差距也越来越大。根据世界银行的估测,当今最富有的国家的财富是最贫穷国家的496倍(两国的人均收入水平分别是84290美元和170美元)。  不同的国家之间为什么会有的穷、有的富呢?诸多著名的学者纷纷从不同的角度给出了自己的答案。亚当·斯密在《国富论》中的回答是:市场的自由、分
The δ~(18)O and δD values for meteoric water samples collected from eastern Xizang andwestern Sichuan and Guizhou show a linear correlation and can be descri