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一、疾病概念的历史变迁1895年 Marchand 曾报告一种与绒毛膜疾病概念相异的疾病,命名为非典型性绒毛膜癌。1919年 Ewing将其细分为合胞体子宫内膜炎和合胞体瘤。前者为正常妊娠着床部所见到的生理现象,后者则具有肿瘤特性。1976年 Kurman 等将以往诊断为子宫肉瘤的12例标本再次进行形态学及免疫组织化学分析,发现均来自滋养层肿瘤。至此,对 Ewing 提出的合胞体瘤有了进一步认识。Kurman 发现,病理组织学上虽可见血管浸润等,但临床经过良好,为此称之为假性滋养层肿瘤。但此后许多报告发现这些患者因该病而死亡。1981年 Scully 等强调这种肿瘤的特性,提出 PSTT, First, the historical changes in the concept of disease Marchand in 1895 had reported a concept of chorionic disease with different diseases, named atypical choriocarcinoma. In 1919 Ewing subdivided it into syncytial endometritis and syncytium. The former is a physiological phenomenon seen in the implantation site of normal pregnancy, while the latter has tumor characteristics. In 1976, Kurman and other previously diagnosed as uterine sarcoma in 12 specimens again morphological and immunohistochemical analysis were found from the trophoblastic tumor. At this point, Ewing made the syncytial tumor have been further understanding. Kurman found that although histopathology showed vascular infiltration, but the clinical well, this is called pseudo-trophoblastic tumor. However, many reports later found that these patients died of the disease. Scully et al in 1981 emphasized the characteristics of this tumor, proposed PSTT,
The low laser induced damage threshold of the KH2PO4 crystal seriously restricts the output power of inertial confinement fusion.The micro-waviness on the KH2PO
患女,28岁,孕2产1,早孕40d,于1992年6月21日行人流术,刮出物与月份相符,并见到绒毛组织,手 术结束时给宫内放入T型避孕环。术后2d(即闭经42d),患者因阴道出血来院复诊,行B超
患女48岁,已婚,以“上环12年月经量增多2年、阴道肿块1月之主诉入院。 12年前足月顺产1男婴,3月后宫内放置一金属节育环,此后10年中经量及周期均正常,2年来经量渐增多,经期