
来源 :中华文史论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:konghao12345
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本文從兩宋之際川陝地區時局變動與中央應對的關係,探討宣撫處置司的設置原因。認爲兩宋之際川陝地區戰略地位突顯;川陝地區地方行政運行中弊端叢生,危機四伏;朝臣關於加强地方權力與整合地方力量的呼聲日益興起等,促成了川陝宣撫處置司的設置。川陝宣撫處置司的設置,是南宋中央在新形勢下所作出的積極回應。川陝宣撫處置司的設置過程,提供了一個認識兩宋之交地方行政運行的絶佳個案,從中展現出南宋中央與地方之間權力互動的演變軌迹。 This article discusses the reasons for the setting of Xuan Fu Disposal Division from the relationship between the current situation of Chuan Shan Region and the response of the Central Government during the Song Dynasty. In the opinion of the two Song dynasties, the strategic position of Sichuan and Shaanxi Provinces was prominent. The local administrative operation in Sichuan and Shaanxi Province was full of abuses and crises. The courtiers’ call for strengthening local authority and consolidating local power was rising day by day. . The establishment of the Sichuan-Shaanxi Xuan-fu Disposal Division was a positive response made by the Central Southern Song Central Committee under the new situation. The process of setting up the Sichuan-Shaanxi XuanFu Disposal Division provides an excellent case for understanding the administrative operation of the two Songs and shows the evolution of the power interaction between the Central Government and the local authorities in the Southern Song Dynasty.
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