Effects of Wetland Reclamation on Soil Nutrient Losses and Reserves in Sanjiang Plain,Northeast Chin

来源 :Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:A251321741
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The carbon (C),nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) variations of a temperate wetland soil under continuous cultivation for 40 yr were determined and evaluated in the Sanjiang Plain,Northeast China.The results showed that the soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) contents in each soil layer decreased sharply after cultivation for 2-3 yr,and exhibited minor differences after cultivation for 11 yr,which showed an exponential decline curve with the increase of cultivation years.The reduction rates of carbon and nitrogen reserves were 14.79% and 28.53% yr-1 at the initial reclamation stages of 2-3 yr and then decreased to 2.02-3.08% yr-1 and 1.98-2.93% yr-1 after cultivation for 20 yr,respectively.Soil total phosphorus (TP) reserves decreased within cultivation for 5 yr,and then gradually restored to the initial level after cultivation for 17 yr.Both SOC and TN could be restored slightly when the farmland was left fallow for 8 yr after reclamation for 11 yr,whereas TP had no significant difference.These results demonstrated that wetland cultivation was one of the most important factors influencing on the nutrient fate and reserves in soil,which could lead to the rapid nutrient release and slow restoration through abandon cultivation,therefore protective cultivation techniques preventing nutrients from loss should be immediately established after wetland reclamation. The carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) variations of a temperate wetland soil under continuous cultivation for 40 yr were determined and evaluated in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. The results showed that the soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) contents in each soil layer decreased sharply after training for 2-3 yr, and showed minor differences after cultivation for 11 yr, which showed an exponential decline curve with the increase of cultivation years. reduction rate of carbon and nitrogen reserves were 14.79% and 28.53% yr-1 at the initial reclamation stages of 2-3 yr and then decreased to 2.02-3.08% yr-1 and 1.98-2.93% yr-1 after cultivation for 20 yr, respectively.Soil total phosphorus (TP) trough decreased within cultivation for 5 yr, and then gradually restored to the initial level after cultivation for 17 yr.Both SOC and TN could be restored slightly when the farm was left fallow for 8 yr after reclamation for 11 yr, and then gradually restored to TP had no signifi cant difference.These results said that wetland cultivation was one of the most important factors influencing on the nutrient fate and reserves in soil, which could lead to the rapid nutrient release and slow restoration through abandon cultivation, therefore protective cultivation techniques prevents nutrients from loss should be immediately established after wetland reclamation.
[关键词]劝学所,私塾,改良  [中图分类号]K25 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]0457—6241(2007)09—0086—03     清末民初,由于教育发展现实的局限,形成了新式学堂与旧式私塾并存的二元教育模式。目前,史学界虽有文章关注私塾改良,但迄今鲜有人关注劝学所,更遑论劝学所对旧式私塾的改良。本文着力对劝学所改良私塾的职责、方式以及作用作一考察,求抛砖引玉之效,以就教于方家。 
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