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一、改良土壤 1、深翻改土对茶行行间进行全面垦复,深度为40~50cm,并在35cm深处施足桐籽饼和复合肥,亩施桐籽饼100kg,复合肥30kg。深翻改土一般2~3年进行一次,时间宜在雨季到来前的7月底进行。2、间套作物每年早春在茶行间种植油菜或豌豆,当油菜开花期或豌豆结荚期时,收割其茎叶,放置行间晾晒5~7天后结合耕锄埋入15~20cm深的土层内。3、行间覆盖每年晚秋在茶行间铺草或玉米秸秆,厚度5~10cm,让其蓄水保暖,至次年7月结合深翻改土,将半腐烂的覆盖物埋入土中。4、茶行培土对已经形成上雍下空、一侧根系外露的茶园,在每年早春或秋季对茶行进行培土,将裸露的茶树根系埋入土中,使其重新萌 First, to improve the soil 1, deep turning the soil to the tea line between the full reclamation, the depth of 40 ~ 50cm, and deep in the 35cm Shi Tung seed cake and compound fertilizer, mushi Shi seed cake 100kg, compound fertilizer 30kg . Deep soil improvement generally 2 to 3 years to conduct a time should be before the arrival of the rainy season by the end of July. 2, The intercrop crops are planted with rape or pea in tea plantations in early spring each year. When the rape blossoms or the podding period of peas, the leaves are harvested, and the leaves are placed between rows and dried for 5-7 days. Soil layer. 3, inter-line coverage Late autumn every year in the tea shop between the grass or corn stalks, the thickness of 5 ~ 10cm, let the water keep warm until the following year in July combined with deep turn to change the soil, the semi-rotten cover buried in the soil. In 4, the tea line on the earth has been formed on the fly, one side of the root of the exposed tea garden, in the early spring or autumn every year to cultivate the tea line, the bare roots of tea trees buried in the soil, to re-Meng
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