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目的评估乙型和丙型肝炎相关肝硬化、肝癌死亡率及分布特征。方法按死亡时间对2013年自《人口死亡信息登记管理系统》肝硬化肝癌死亡数据排序,通过系统抽样抽取死者名单,通过家属和医院调查来确认其死亡根本原因与乙、丙肝病毒慢性感染的关联及特征等,然后根据比例方程推算全市死亡情况。结果抽取的770例死者中经核查后与乙肝相关的有391例,丙肝相关31例。推算乙肝硬化死亡率为1.94/10万,乙肝肝癌死亡率为5.05/10万,分别高于丙肝肝硬化的0.18/10万和肝癌的0.42/10万(χ2=207.36和551.64,P<0.01)。男性乙肝肝硬化和肝癌死亡率均高于女性,并随着年龄增大死亡率也成升高趋势。结论天津乙肝导致的相关肝硬化和肝癌死亡率仍较高,应进一步完善乙、丙肝死亡负担监测。 Objective To assess the mortality and distribution of cirrhosis and liver cancer associated with hepatitis B and C infection. Methods According to the time of death, the data of death from liver cirrhosis and liver cancer from “Population Death Information Registration Management System” in 2013 were sorted. The list of deceased persons was sampled by systematic sampling, and the correlation between the root causes of death and the chronic infection of hepatitis B and C was confirmed through family and hospital investigation And characteristics, etc., and then calculate the city’s death according to the proportional equation. Results Among the 770 deceased persons, 391 cases were related to hepatitis B and 31 cases were related to hepatitis C after verification. The death rate of hepatitis B cirrhosis was estimated to be 1.94 / 100000, and the mortality rate of hepatitis B and HCC was 5.05 / 100000, which were higher than 0.18 / 100000 for liver cirrhosis and 0.42 / 100000 for liver cancer respectively (χ2 = 207.36 and 551.64, P <0.01) . Male patients with hepatitis B cirrhosis and liver cancer mortality were higher than women, and with increasing age mortality also increased. Conclusion The incidence of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer caused by hepatitis B in Tianjin is still high, and the burden of death of hepatitis B and C should be further improved.
【正】 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:近年来,全国各级公安机关在党中央、国务院和地方各级党委、政府的领导下,坚决贯彻执行党的路线、方针、政
In his reflection on the Communicative Approach to language teaching. Anthony Bruton refers to his experience of learning French at school in a very derogatory
<正> 2002年11月24日下午,乌兰巴托和平友谊宫会议大厅喜气洋洋,热闹非凡。蒙古国首届奥林匹克中小学汉语大赛颁奖仪式正在这里举行,当一个个获奖学生走上主席台领奖的时候,