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通过问卷调查,对北京市局处级领导干部科技素养的基本情况和存在问题进行分析研究,发现北京市领导干部存在科技素养相对较低,参与科普活动的频率低、渠道方式单一,对科技政策的掌握程度较低,对于我国重大科技事件的关注和了解程度不足,应用信息技术的水平和信息安全的意识需要进一步提高等问题。提高领导干部的科技素养,应从增强领导干部学习现代科技知识的兴趣和自觉性,突出重点内容,加强法制建设,整合多方资源,发挥组织部门的引领、监督和调配作用等多方面入手。 Through the questionnaire survey, this paper analyzes the basic situation and existing problems of science and technology literacy in Beijing bureau-level leading cadres and finds that the leading cadres in Beijing have relatively low level of science and technology literacy, low frequency of participation in science popularization activities and single channels of science and technology policies Have a low level of mastery, lack of attention and understanding about major scientific and technological events in our country, the application of information technology and the awareness of information security need to be further improved. To improve the scientific and technological accomplishments of leading cadres, we should start with enhancing the interest and consciousness of leading cadres in learning modern scientific and technological knowledge, highlighting the key points, strengthening the legal system, integrating resources from multiple sources, and giving play to the leading, supervising and adjusting functions of organizational departments.
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【正】 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:近年来,全国各级公安机关在党中央、国务院和地方各级党委、政府的领导下,坚决贯彻执行党的路线、方针、政
In his reflection on the Communicative Approach to language teaching. Anthony Bruton refers to his experience of learning French at school in a very derogatory