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配送是按用户的订货要求,在物流据点进行分货、配货工作,并将配好之货送交收货人的活动。它是流通加工、整理、拣选、分类、配货、装配、运送等一系列活动的集合。通过配送,才能最终使物流活动得以实现,而且,配送活动增加了产品价值,它还有助于提高企业的竞争力。但完成配送活动是需要付出代价的,即需配送成本。本文着重介绍在一定的顾客服务水平下使配送成本最小的五种策略。1.混合策略。混合策略是指配送业务一部分由企业自身完成。这种策略的基本思想是,尽管采用纯策略(即配送活动要么全部由企业自身完成,要么完全外包给第三方物流完成)易形成一定的规模经济,并使管理简化,但由于产品品种多变、规格不一、销量不等等情况,采用纯策略的配送方式超出一定程度不仅不能取得规模效益,反而还会造成规模不经济。而采用混合策略,合理安排企业自身完成的配送和外包给第三方物流完成的配送,能使配送成本最低。2.差异化策略。差异化策略的指导思想是:产品特征不同,顾客服务水平也不同。当企业拥有多种产品线时,不能对所有产品都按同一标准的顾客服务水平来配送,而应按产品的特点、销售水平,来设置不同的库存、不同的运输方式以及不同的储存地点,忽视产品的差异性会增加不必要的配送成本。3.合并策略。合并策略包含两个层次,一是配送方法上的 Distribution is based on the user’s order requirements, logistics points in the distribution, distribution work, and with good goods sent to the consignee’s activities. It is the circulation of processing, sorting, sorting, sorting, picking, assembly, transportation and a series of activities. Through the distribution, in order to ultimately enable logistics activities to be achieved, and distribution activities to increase product value, it also helps to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. However, the delivery activities to complete the need to pay the price, that is, delivery costs. This article focuses on five strategies that minimize delivery costs at a given level of customer service. 1. Mixed strategy. Mixed strategy means that the distribution business is partially completed by the enterprise itself. The basic idea of ​​this strategy is that despite adopting a pure strategy (that is, distribution activities are either completed by the enterprises themselves or completely outsourced to third-party logistics), it is easy to form a certain scale economy and simplify management. However, due to the variety of products , Different specifications, sales and so on, the use of pure strategic distribution methods beyond a certain level not only can not achieve economies of scale, but also cause the scale of the economy. The use of hybrid strategy, a reasonable arrangement of the company’s own distribution and outsourcing to complete the delivery of third-party logistics, can make the lowest distribution costs. 2. Differentiation strategy. The guiding ideology of differentiation strategy is: different product characteristics, customer service levels are also different. When enterprises have a variety of product lines, you can not all products according to the same standard of customer service delivery, but should be product characteristics, sales levels, to set different inventory, different modes of transport and different storage locations, Neglecting product differentiation can increase unnecessary delivery costs. Merger Strategy Merger strategy contains two levels, one on the delivery method
本季初,太阳队的年轻中锋R.洛佩斯(Robin Lopez)在练球时因为输掉三对三斗牛而动怒,把训练场地一扇门甩得满地碎玻璃,被教练们给训了一顿,总教练金特里(Alvin Gentry)就说:“