,Role of elastic scattering in high-order above threshold ionization

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yh603469940
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We investigate the target and intensity dependence of plateau in high-order above threshold ionization (HATI) by simulating the two-dimensional (2D) momentum distributions and the energy spectra of photoelectrons in HATI of rare gas atoms through using the quantitative rescattering model. The simulated results are compared with the existing experimental measurements. It is found that the slope of the plateau in the HATI photoelectron energy spectrum highly depends on the structure of elastic scattering differential cross section (DCS) of laser-induced retuing electron with its parent ion. The investigations of the long-and short-range potential effects in the DCSs reveal that the short-range potential, which reflects the structure of the target, plays an essential role in generating the HATI photoelectron spectra.
因式分解与整式乘法是一对“孪生兄弟”,它们可以互逆变形、相互转化. 实践证明,只有厘清它们之间的关系,做到正反灵活运用,才能真正认清它们之间的内在联系. 下面对这部分内容的难点进行剖析,希望对大家的学习有所帮助.  一、 整式乘法  【点评】三种计算方法中,以方法一最为基础,其实质在于“往前乘,莫回头”,它是多项式乘多项式的基本方法,必须掌握. 方法二、方法三均运用了平方差公式,起到了简化运算的作
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