
来源 :中国媒介生物学及控制杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lygwzs
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本文报告四川省赫坎按蚊种团各蚊种在实验室和自然室温条件下观察到的生活史。结果表明:①在基本相同的饲养条件下,因蚊种、地区、捕捉季节以及不同个体等因素都能影响蚊种的繁殖率和成虫前期发育所需的时间。②成虫前期各阶段生活史、平均发育时间的长短,除受温度高低和营养因素影响外,幼虫期发育时间的长短常受卵期发育时间的影响,一般卵期发育时间长,幼虫期则很短,或卵期发育时间短,相应的幼虫期发育时间延长。③嗜人按蚊产卵存在两种类型,一种在产卵后30天内孵化,另一种滞育卵要在30天以后才孵化,嗜人按蚊产卵孵化率,在各蚊种中最低(20.0%以下),同其它蚊种之间存在显著的差异。嗜人按蚊可用卵和幼虫越冬,在四川地区冬春季节,温度10℃左右,卵能继续发育。越冬的幼虫大约在2月下旬开始化蛹,3月上旬出现第1代新生成蚊。④中华按蚊在温度低于15℃时,虽然出现生殖营养周期紊乱,但仍有一部分雌蚊能够完成生殖营养周期,只是必须增加吸血次数,完成的时间也明显延长(7天以上).⑤利用总积温法则公式计算了中华按蚊、八代按蚊、嗜人按蚊的发育速率,并对总积温法则不适用的情况进行了讨论。 This article reports on the life history of mosquito species from Anchorage mosquitoes in Sichuan Province at laboratory and natural room temperature. The results showed that: ① Under the same feeding conditions, the mosquito breeding rate and the pre-adult development time could be affected by the mosquito species, the region, the seasons of capture and the individuals. In addition to the influence of temperature and nutritional factors, the developmental duration of larval stage is often affected by the developmental time of the egg stage, while the developmental duration of the egg stage is generally long, while the larval stage is very long Short, or egg development time is short, the corresponding larval stage of development time extension. ③ Anopheles Anopheles oviposition there are two types, one within 30 days after ovipositing hatch, the other diapause eggs to hatch after 30 days, anopheles ovipositor hatching rate, in each mosquito species The lowest (20.0% below), there are significant differences with other mosquito species. Anopheles anopheles available eggs and larvae overwintering in winter and spring in Sichuan Province, the temperature around 10 ℃, eggs can continue to develop. Overwintering larvae began pupation in late February, and the first generation of newly formed mosquitoes appeared in early March. (4) Anopheles sinensis was still under reproductive nutrition cycle at 15 ℃. However, some female mosquitoes were able to complete the cycle of reproductive nutrition, only the number of sucking blood had to be increased, and the time of completion was significantly prolonged (over 7 days). ⑤According to the formula of total accumulated temperature, the developmental rates of Anopheles sinensis, Anopheles sinensis and Anopheles anthropophagus were calculated, and the case that the law of total accumulated temperature was not applicable was discussed.
<正> 由于稀土元素有相似的化学性质,要把稀土分离成单一元素化合物是困难的。直到本世纪初,一直使用分步结晶法,可是该法需要复杂冗长的结晶步骤,对生产大量稀土是不利的。
禽流感。禽流感(Avian Influenza,AI)是禽流行性感冒的简称,是由正黏病毒科中的A型流感病毒亚型引起的禽类传染性疾病,被国际兽疫局定为A类传染病,又称真性鸡瘟或欧洲鸡瘟。不仅是