
来源 :毛泽东思想研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haozhiyan
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从理想与现实历史互动的宏观视阈来看,一代“新青年”——新民学会会员“改造中国与世界”的道德理想与政治理想,经历了一个从理想主义云端落实到现实主义地面,进而,基于湖南和中国实际,从道德试验到政治行动转换这样的历史进程和心路历程。作为这一宏大历史叙事的微观个案,通过毛泽东从无政府主义者、政治改良主义者到接受唯物史观和阶级斗争、无产阶级专政和无产阶级政党等科学社会主义学说,成长为马克思主义者的曲折过程,既折射出马克思主义中国化早期进程和马列主义在中国早期传播的一般规律,也凸显了毛泽东等人追寻“大本大源”、改造哲学和伦理学,进而实现“改造中国与世界”理想的独特旨趣。由此所生发的新民学会“踏着人生社会实际说话”的理想主义创造、奋斗精神和实践探索品格,对直面当下中国的信仰危机和道德困境亦有历史智慧的启发。 From the macroscopic perspective of the interaction between ideal and reality, the moral ideals and political ideals of a generation of “new youth” - members of the Xinmin Society and “transforming China and the world” have undergone a transformation from idealism to reality On the ground of the doctrine, and further on the basis of the actual conditions in Hunan and China, such historical process and mentality as the transition from moral tests to political actions. As a microcosmic case of this grand historical narration, Mao Zedong was promoted to Marxism from the scientific socialism doctrine of anarchists and political reformists to the acceptance of historical materialism and class struggle, dictatorship of the proletariat and proletarian parties The tortuous process not only reflects the general laws of the early course of Marxism in China and the early spread of Marxism in China, but also highlights Mao Zedong’s pursuit of “great origin”, transformation of philosophy and ethics, and the transformation of “transformation” China and the world “ideal of the unique purport. The Xinmin Institute thus developed has the idealist creation, the spirit of struggle and the practice of exploring the character of ”marching into the reality of life and society," and also has the historical wisdom to face the crisis of belief and moral dilemma in present China.
突变理论(Catastrophe Theory)是法国大数学家、菲尔士奖获得者——勒内·托姆(RenéThom)于七十年代初期创立的一门崭新的、专门用于研究各种不连续现象的数学理论。由于以
天坛的早晨,空气清新。古树森然,鸟鸣声声,是不少人晨练的理想活动场地。离老远的,耳畔就不时传来练歌声、练京戏的吊嗓子声、健美操的伴奏音乐声等等,好一个热闹的早上。 常
新中国第一套纪念邮票《庆祝中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议》发行于1949年10月8日,新中国邮票也是从此开始编号的。 这套邮票的发行,是经过了很正规的手续的,邮票发行