
来源 :色谱 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeeryf
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以电渗淌度、胶束电泳淌度和淌度比这3个参数为考察对象,研究了毛细管温度、缓冲溶液种类和浓度对胶束电动毛细管色谱的迁移时间窗口的影响。电渗淌度和胶束电泳淌度均随毛细管温度的升高线性的增加,粘度是这一影响中的主要因素。理论上证明了管壁表面的局部粘度与主体粘度不同。当温度变化时,电渗淌度和胶束电泳淌度的变化幅度不同。降低温度可以扩展迁移时间窗口,虽然扩展幅度较小,但在商品化仪器上易于实现。推导出能统一描述电渗淌度和胶束电泳淌度与缓冲溶液浓度间的关系式。对于Tris和棚酸盐缓冲溶液,电渗淌度和胶束电泳淌度均随缓冲溶液浓度的增加而降低,但变化幅度较小,因而对迁移时间窗口的影响不显著。对于磷酸盐缓冲溶液,电渗淌度和胶束电泳淌度与缓冲溶液浓度的关系在不同浓度范围具有不同的趋势,电渗淌度在低浓度时随浓度的增大而降低的速度显著,在高浓度时降低的速度缓慢;胶束电泳淌度在低浓度时随浓度的增加而降低,在高浓度时随浓度的增加而增加;增加磷酸盐缓冲溶液的浓度,可以使迁移时间窗口得到有效的扩展。 The effects of capillary temperature, the type and concentration of buffer solution on the migration time window of micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography were investigated by three parameters: electropositive mobility, micellar electrophoresis mobility and mobility ratio. Both the electroosmotic mobility and the micellar electrophoretic mobility increased linearly with the capillary temperature, and viscosity was the major factor in this effect. It is theoretically proved that the local viscosity of the tube wall surface is different from the viscosity of the main body. When the temperature changes, the mobility and micellar electrophoretic mobility of different magnitude of change. Lowering the temperature can extend the migration window, which is easy to implement on a commercial instrument, although with less expansion. The relationship between electroporation mobility and micellar electrophoretic mobility and buffer solution concentration is deduced. For both Tris and shampoo solutions, both the electroosmotic mobility and the micellar electrophoretic mobility decreased with increasing buffer concentration, but with less variation, and thus had no significant effect on the migration time window. For phosphate buffer solution, the relationship between mobility and micellar electrophoretic mobility and buffer solution concentration has different trends in different concentration ranges. The rate of electroosmotic mobility decreases with increasing concentration at low concentration, The decrease of micelle electrophoretic mobility at low concentration decreases with increasing concentration and increases with increasing concentration at high concentration. Increasing the concentration of phosphate buffer solution can lead to the migration time window Effective expansion.
频率跟踪和恒定振幅控制是超声加工电源两个重要的特性。本文用电路理论分析了电流作了反馈控制量的理论依据 ,介绍了发生器的结构、频率跟踪和恒幅输出的实现方法 ,完成了变
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