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目的了解2009—2013年资阳市手足口病的流行规律、变化趋势,为防控工作提供依据。方法使用中国疾病预防控制信息系统和Excel 2003电子表格软件进行整理分析和统计处理,检索条件为按发病日期。结果 2009—2013年资阳市手足口病累计报告5 745例,死亡9例,年均报告发病率为29.99/10万,年均报告死亡率为0.05/10万;2009—2013年手足口病报告发病率分别为5.63/10万、21.83/10万、35.28/10万、39.89/10万和47.33/10万。男性累计报告发病3 481例,占发病总数的60.59%;女性累计报告发病2 264例,占发病总数的39.41%,男女性别比为1.54∶1。报告重症病例50例,聚集性疫情81起。2009—2013年全市各县(市、区)每年各月均有手足口病报告,发病呈双峰分布。发病年龄主要集中在5岁及以下儿童,占发病总数的96.64%,呈典型的婴幼儿高发,职业构成以散居儿童(77.04%)为主。实验室确诊的594例病例中,EV71感染287例(48.32%),CoxA16阳性128例(21.55%),其他肠道病毒阳性179例(30.13%)。结论 2009—2013年资阳市手足口病发病率有逐年增高的趋势,呈明显的季节性和人群分布特点。应加强疫情监测,采取针对性措施落实各项防控工作。 Objective To understand the prevalence and trend of hand-foot-mouth disease in Ziyang from 2009 to 2013 and provide the basis for prevention and control. Methods China Disease Prevention and Control Information System and Excel 2003 spreadsheet software for finishing analysis and statistical processing, retrieval conditions according to the date of onset. Results A total of 5 745 cases of hand-foot-mouth disease in Ziyang from 2009 to 2013 were reported, with 9 deaths and an average annual incidence of 29.99 per 100 000. The annual average reported mortality rate was 0.05 per 100 000. The 2009-2013 Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease Report The incidence rates were 5.63 / 100000, 21.83 / 100000, 35.28 / 100000, 39.89 / 100000 and 47.33 / 100000 respectively. A total of 3 481 male cases were reported, accounting for 60.59% of the total cases; 2 264 cases of female total reported cases, accounting for 39.41% of the total cases, with a sex ratio of 1.54:1. 50 cases of severe cases were reported, and 81 cases of cluster outbreaks. From 2009 to 2013, counties (cities and districts) in the city reported hand-foot-mouth disease reports every month of each year. The incidence was bimodal. Age of onset mainly concentrated in children 5 years of age and below, accounting for 96.64% of the total number of onset, the typical high incidence of infants and young children, occupational composition to scattered children (77.04%) based. Of the 594 laboratory-confirmed cases, 287 (48.32%) were EV71, 128 (21.55%) were CoxA16 positive, and 179 (30.13%) were other enterovirus positive. Conclusion The incidence of hand-foot-mouth disease in Ziyang from 2009 to 2013 has been increasing year by year with obvious seasonal and population distribution. Disease surveillance should be strengthened and targeted measures should be taken to implement various prevention and control work.
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