A corpus—based study of scarlet in Pearl in The Scarlet Letter

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  THE SCARLET LETTER is one of American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne’s masterpieces which gave him a good reputation. Since its Republication in 1850s, it has drawn much attention. While reading the novel, the author noticed that several color terms are frequently used, especially the eye-catching color scarlet, it has been attached many kinds symbolic meanings which reveals different aspects of different characters and plays a key role in the tragedy atmosphere of the whole novel. In the paper, a DIY corpus is made on the basis of the novel.
  Key words: The Scarlet Letter; corpus; symbolism
  Corpus made its first appear in 1940s but it is in 1980s that modern corpus linguistics came into being with the development of computer technology. Nevertheless,for some researchers, corpus linguistics is a research method rather than a branch of linguistics. This research method, based on a lot of actual words and sentences, can be used to answer many questions that are difficult to be answered in other ways. Corpus has already applied to the field of literature extensively. With the development of empirical studies based on corpus, this kind of methodology has become a new trend and an important tool for literature studies. A few changes has been brought to literature study by corpus, an important one is studies can be based on language facts not just on human intuitive, thus qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis can be combined together to discover more hidden meanings of literature works. So that literature study can be more objective and scientific.
  The novel The Scarlet Letter is based on a theme that appears in Endicott and the Red Gross. This somber romance of conscience and consequences of concealed guilt is set in puritan Boston in the mid- 17th century. The story is simple but very moving. An aged English scholar sent his young wife Hester Prynne to establish their home in Boston. When he came over two years later, he found Hester in the pillory with her illegitimate child in her arms. She refused to name her lover and was sentenced to wear a scarlet letter“A”as a token of her sin throughout her lifetime. Minister Dimmesdale, the adulterer dare not admit openly the sin he committed but was constantly tortured by a sense of guilt. Doctor Chillingworth, Hester’s Husband, discovered who was the adulterer and made up a cruel plan of revenge---to torture the Minister mentally till his death. Nathaniel Hawthorne prefer to use the technique of symbol in his writings for the reason that he holds the opinion that the objective material world is just a false appearance, it’s the inner spirit that matters. So there are always some hidden meanings in the description in his works. Figures、movements and scenes in Scarlet Letter are always attached with symbolism, burdock、thistles and poisonous weed represent sins in the society, scaffold is the symbol of harsh religious taboo and confess of sins. However, what the paper focus on is the term scarlet, it penetrates in the whole novel and it’s symbolic meaning changes with the development of the story.   From the website http://www.hjenglish.com, electronic documents of The Scarlet Letter was download and with the help of antconc3.2.0w, a DIY corpus was built which contains 69221words.
  According to word list of antconc3.3.0w, the word scarlet is being frequently used among content words. Among all the content words, its frequency ranks the 9th, so the study of its symbolic meanings is meaningful and the corpus is representative.
  Rank Freq words
  1 378 Hester
  2 236 Pearl
  3 215 child
  4 187 man
  5 174 mother
  6 173 minister
  7 147 life
  8 119 letter
  9 99 scarlet
  (frequency of scarlet in content words)
  scarlet in Pearl
  Scarlet is the main color of Pearl, when Hester was pregnant, Pearl is the symbol of her sin. When Hester fought for her daughter’s custody, she said Pearl is a scarlet letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne also compared Pearl to a scarlet letter in its nature meaning. What’s more, Hester always dressed Pearl in scarlet or some similar other colors like ruby、coral or the color of red rose. However, the eye-catching color of the little girl’s dress is not appropriate in the dark and gloomy new England. Why Hester was so in favor of scarlet though it is the color that brought her numerous tortures and shames? Is it more reasonable if she dressed Pearl dark and gray so that they can live a quiet life? One explanation is that this is her rebellion to the musty ideas and severe puritan dogma. As a young and beautiful woman, why should Hester married to an old and ugly man? And why she had no rights to pursue her own happiness? So scarlet in Pearl is a symbol of energy and hope, she is so pure and innocent as an angel, but she is not accepted by that gloomy world at first. The bright color in Pearl represents a bright future of the new world, just like her ending in the novel.
  “Behold,verily,there is the woman of the scarlet letter;and,of a truth,moreover,there is the likeness of the scarlet letter running along by her side!Come,therefore,and let us fling mud at them!”(chapte8)
  “What have we here?” said Governor Bellingham,looking with surprise at the scarlet little figure him.” I profess,I have never seen the like, since my days of vanity,in old King James’ time,when I was.....(chapter8)
   .....through the chamber which these spectral thoughts had made so ghastly,glided Hester Prynne,leading along little Pearl,in her scarlet garb,and pointing her forefinger,first at the scarlet letter on her bosom,and then at the clergyman’s own breast.(chapter8)
【摘要】:“信、达、雅”是一般英汉翻译的基本标准,而对于英文人名的翻译则通常采用音译。鲁迅先生曾在 《热风·不懂的音译》中谈到:“翻外国人的姓名用音译,原是一件极正当,极平常的事。” 本文将浅析英文人名翻译时的音译技巧,从而使读者感受西方文化色彩。  【关键词】:英文人名;音译;西方文化色彩  一、引言  尤金·A·奈达(Eugene A.Nida)认为所谓翻译,是指从语义到文体在译语中用最切近而
【摘要】:“道”,是老子哲学上的最高范畴,是老子所有思想的核心。《老子》中前后出现了七十三个“道”字,在不同章句的文字脉络中,具有不同的义涵:有时指形而上的实存者,是构成世界的实体;有时是创造宇宙的动力,促使万物运动的规律;有时又是人生的一种指标,作为人类行为的准则。本文以“道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名”为切入点,从“道不可言”、“意不称物”谈人类语言表达的困境。  【关键词】:老子;道;语言表
【摘要】:翻译研究的文化派代表勒菲弗尔提出了制约翻译过程的三要素,其中意识形态是最重要的因素。本文从意识形态对文学翻译取材影响的角度出发,通过中国翻译家查良铮的典型个案分析,进而验证:翻译过程受到意识形态的操控,包括译者所处社会的主流意识形态和译者个人意识形态两部分。以期引发对意识形态操控论更进一步的思考完善。  【关键词】:意识形态;翻译取材;操控;查良铮  1. 引言  主流意识形态,往往是统
【摘要】:群众文化美术活动是群众文化工作的重要组成部分,这项工作的组织开展,是群众文化美术工作者的主要职责,它需要群众文化美术工作者通过加强专业人才队伍建设、组织开展群众文化美术辅导、创作等系列活动得以实现。  【关键词】:美术;活动;培训;文化  正文:  文化馆是政府为了向广大人民群众进行宣传教育,组织辅导群众开展文化活动而设立的群众文化事业机构,是开展群众文化活动的基层阵地,文化馆在基层文化
【摘要】: 方言成語是地方方言中一种独特的语言现象,它和普通话成语一样具有结构的凝固性和意义的完整性。不同的方言成语也体现了不同的地方文化特色,本文以诸暨方言中的四字格成语为研究对象,旨在探讨其构成方式和相应的特点。  【关键词】:诸暨;方言成语;构成方式  诸暨方言属于吴语太湖片的临州小片,在语音、词汇、语法上各有其特点本文旨在以诸暨方言中的四字格成语为研究对象,探讨其构成方式和特点。  一、诸
Abstract  In the course of lexical and semantics, after the chapter of sense relation and semantic field, the syntagmatic relation and paradigmatic relation have introduced. The syntagmatic/paradigmat
在英语的新课改推行之后,新考纲明确了词汇方面的变化,从以前的2500到现在的3500个词汇,可谓是变化最大的部分。可以看出,词汇的丰富就是语言进步的标志。   在教学工作中,教师们疆场会遇到英语学习的后进生,教师自身觉得非常简单的阅读理解的内容,学生做起来却是举步维艰,针对这样的情况,我对班上的学生进行了问卷调查:在阅读理解中,觉得文章无法读懂导致做不出题的占82%,文章读懂了仍然不会做题的占到1