
来源 :钢铁 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:usrrmhta
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西德的钢铁工业在第二次大战中受到很大破坏,战后又经过一次解除装备,所以战后最初几年产量降到年产钢300万吨左右(1946、1947年)。此后以平均每年增加200万吨钢的速度迅速恢复,到1956年年产钢量已达2300万吨,估计1957年产量为2600万吨。1956年钢铁工业总产值(不包括焦炭生产)为122亿马克。冶金工业(不包括采矿)全体职工为31万人。西德产品品种和性能:无论是花色尺寸、异型钢材的多品种方面,以及在满足近代化学、机械、强电、弱电、原子核等工业的要求方面,品种非常多,质量也很高。例如,所产热轧矽钢片的铁损为每公斤0.75瓦。Krupp厂所产耐热金属涡轮叶子,经试验在1000度高温操作1000小时成绩是良好的。西德许多家特殊钢厂所产耐酸不锈钢、耐热钢等都是多型号,具有不 The steel industry in West Germany was greatly damaged in the Second World War. After the war, it was once again disarmed. As a result, the output in the first few years after the war was reduced to about 3 million tons of steel a year (1946-1947). Since then, the average annual increase of 2 million tons of steel rapidly restored to 1956 an annual output of 23 million tons of steel, an estimated 1957 production of 26 million tons. In 1956 the steel industry output (excluding coke production) was 12.2 billion marks. The metallurgical industry (excluding mining) all the staff of 310,000 people. West Germany product variety and performance: Variety, size and quality are also very high in terms of color size, multi-varieties of special-shaped steel, as well as in meeting the requirements of modern chemical, mechanical, strong electricity, weak electricity and nuclear industries. For example, the hot loss of hot-rolled silicon steel sheet 0.75 kg per kilogram. Krupp factory produced heat-resistant metal turbine blades, the test 1000 hours at 1,000 degrees operating temperature is good. Many West German special steel mills produce acid-resistant stainless steel, heat-resistant steel, etc. are all multi-model, with no
1990~1995年收治原发性肝癌420例,发现带蒂肝癌(Pedunculated Hepatocellular Carcinoma)5例(1.2%),均行手术治疗,报告如下。1.临床资料:男2例,女3例,年龄27~61岁,平均42.9岁
1. 现状与设想武钢生产的WO8F低碳沸腾钢,主要供1700mm轧机用于轧制镀锡、镀锌、自行车、搪瓷等用薄板。1979年9月第一炼钢厂开始在500t吹氧平炉进行试炼.这种钢用作镀锡板
受中国科学技术协会的委托,中国金属学会会同中国电机工程学会、硅酸盐学会、机械工程学会、 Commissioned by the China Association for Science and Technology, China