
来源 :中学英语之友·初一版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huntergy
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  Unit 3
  1. home, house, family
  I think Jim is at home. 我想吉姆今天在家。
  Let’s go home. 咱们回家吧。
  My house is on the hill. 我的家在那座小山上。
  Her family is a big one. 她家是一个大家庭。
  His family are English. 他全家都是英国人。
  巩固精练:用family, home或house填空:
  (1)She and her ____ are all in London(伦敦).
  (2)Tom goes back ____ at 5:00 in the afternoon.
  (3)I’m in Beijing now, but my ____ is in Hangzhou and I’ll(将) go ____ in a few days(几天后).
  (4)There are two big trees in front of our ____.
  Key:(1)family (2)home (3)home/family, home (4)house
  2. a, an, the
  a, an和the都是冠词, a, an是不定冠词,the是定冠词。
  a book一本书an apple一个苹果
  an hour 一小时 an honor一种荣誉
  an X-ray photograph 一张X光照片
  Open the window. 打开窗户。
  The book on the bed is Mary’s. 床上那本书是玛丽的。
  巩固精练:用a, an, the填空:
  (1)Wang Tao is ____ girl, and Li Ming is a boy.
  (2)This is ____ eraser, and that is a ruler.
  (3)——What’s this? ——It’s ____ notebook.
  (4)Look at ____ cap. It’s very nice.
  Key:(1)a (2)an (3)a (4)the
  3. desk, table
  Can you see the teacher’s desk? 你能看见老师的讲桌吗?
  Our football is under the table. 我们的足球在桌子底下。
  (1)The children are at the breakfast ____.
  (2)He is reading at his ____.
  (3)The boys are sitting at a round ____.
  (4)The fine four-drawer ____ is mine.
  Key:(1)table (2)desk (3)table (4)desk
  Unit 4
  4. take, bring
  Can you take these books to the classroom?
  Don’t forget to bring the pictures to me. 别忘了把画给我带来。
  You must bring your homework to school tomorrow.
  (1)Please ____ me a new pencil.
  (2)May I ____ this book home?
  (3)Next time you come, ____ your daughter.
  Key:(1)bring (2)take (3)bring
  5. sport, game, play
  sport 泛指各种形式的运动和户外活动,可以是娱乐性的,也可是竞争性的体育活动,指娱乐性或锻炼性的体育活动用作不可数名词,指竞赛性体育活动或体育项目时用作可数名词。如:
  He loves all kinds of sports. 他喜欢各种运动。
  Playing football and running are sports. 踢足球和跑步是体育运动。
  The Olympic Games are held every four years.
  Let’s play a game of chess!我们来下一盘象棋吧!
  His life is all work and no play. 他的生活只有工作没有娱乐。
  The children are playing with a ball. 孩子们在玩球。
  巩固精练:用sport, game或play填空:
  ⑴Our team won(获胜) the ____.
  ⑵Swimming is a healthful ____.
  ⑶I’m tired. It’s time for ____.
  Key:⑴game ⑵sport ⑶play/game
  6. everyday, every day
  This is an everyday dress. 这是一套便服。
  Let’s begin with everyday English. 让我们从日常英语开始学起。
  every day是名词词组“每天、天天”,有时也指“一天天地”,作状语。如:
  I read English every day. 我每天读英语。
  I do morning exercise every day.我每天做早操。
  巩固精练:用everyday或every day填空:
  ⑴I drink a bottle of milk ____.
  ⑵This is my ____ work.
  ⑶I go to work ____.
  Key:⑴every day ⑵everyday ⑶every day
  7. some, any
  some用于肯定句,后接可数名词的复数或不可数名词,但在表示建议或请求的疑问句中或想得到对方肯定回答时,一般用some 而不用any。
  any 多用于疑问句或否定句中,后接可数名词的复数或不可数名词。
  (1)Do you have ____ water? I’m thirsty.
  (2)Do you have ____ brothers and sisters?
  Key:(1)some (2)any
  8. in bed, on the bed
  in bed表示因病卧床或躺在床上,短语中的bed不指具体的某张床,故其不加冠词,in也不能改为on。例如:
  Tom is ill in bed. 汤姆卧病在床。
  on the/one?蒺s bed 表示“在某张/某人的床上”。例如:
  Her skirt is on the bed. 她的裙子在那张床上(放着)。
  巩固精练:用in bed或on the bed填空:
  (1)He is ____ with a cold (感冒).
  (2)She saw (看见) a new red box ____ her ____.
  (3)You?蒺re dirty (脏的). Don?蒺t lie (躺) ____ my ____.
  Key:(1)in bed (2)on, bed (3)on, bed
A: 快乐热身   1. 谈他人外貌  ——What does she look like? 她长得怎么样?  ——She’s tall./She’s kind of thin./She has long straight hair./She’s good looking./She wears glasses.  她高个子。/她长得有点儿瘦。/她留着长直发。/她很漂亮。/她戴眼镜。   2. 点喜
Ⅰ.单项选择   1. I like ____ a little longer in the morning.  A. sleepB. sleepsC. to sleepD. sleeping   2. We do our ____ at 7:30 p.m..  A. homeworksB. homeworkC. lessonD. works   3. Rick ____ at seven o’c
Unit 9    1.我认为他不会游泳。  误:I think he cannot swim.  正:I don’t think he can swim.  析:当主句含有I/We think时,从句的否定意义应在主句上变化(即否定的转移),从句无需变化。  2.你想要哪一种书。  误:What kind of a book do you want?  正:What kind of book d
同学们,初学国籍词的时候是不是感到很难记?国籍词的名词与形容词形式是不是容易混淆?特别是一些国籍名词的单复数形式的变化,你找到规律了吗?其实,学习国籍词只要我们掌握了以下几点,你的国籍词关就过了。同学们,你们准备好了吗?咱们一起过关……  1.国籍词的书写。   国籍词书写时,每个单词的首字母都应该大写。如:China中国,Chinese中国人,汉语。  2.表示国人的名词单数变复数。  国人名词
学生习作(张婷 湖北省):  Sunny Saturday 2007, Oct. 3rd1   It is2 sunny and hot. I went to a beautiful place—Great Wall3 with my friends. We went there at 10:00 by a bus4. We had great fun playing on it. In the
1. good, nice, fine, OK     这四个词都有“好”的意思。  (1)good是涵义最广的形容词,用来表示“好的质量”、“好的品质”等。例如:  She is a good girl. 她是个好姑娘。  This computer is good. 这台电脑(质量)很好。good还可以用于问候语中。例如:Good morning!(早上好!)/Good afternoon!(
一、动词be的形式    口诀展示:be动词三变化,am, is还有are,“我”(I)用am,“你”(you)用are, is紧跟“他(he)、她(she)、它(it)”。“我们(we)、你们(you)”和“他们(they)”。  全用are来表达。  友情释疑:当主语为第一人称单数I 时,用am;当主语为第二人称单数you时,用are;当主语为第三人称单数时,用is;当主语为复数时,不管是第几
■1. Hi, Cindy! How are you? 喂,辛迪!你好吗?  How are you?你好吗?是较熟悉的人之间就健康状况而发出的问候,只是一种礼貌的问候方式,回答How are you?应该用“Fine, thank you.”或 “Very well(I’m OK/I’m all right), thank you.”等。为表示礼貌,还可以问对方“And you?”。  ——Hi
英语中this(这),that(那)和it(它)都是代词,这三个词一般有以下幾种用法:  1.距离说话者较近的人或物体用this,距离说话者较远的人或物体用that;先说this,后说that。例如:  This is a chair and that is a desk.   这是一张椅子(指近处),那是一张课桌(指远处)。  This is a ruler and that is an era
Ⅰ.根據句意和首字母提示,补全句子中所缺的单词     1. ——Nice to m____ you. ——Nice to meet you, too.   2. H____ name is Freddy.   3. This g____ is a nurse. She works in a hospital.   4. There is a b____ in this family. He is