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本刊记者从有关方面获悉,经国务院批准,今年4月将在广东省深圳市举行首届“中国深圳技术交易会”。这次交易会由国务院科技领导小组办公室、国家经委、国家科委、国防科工委和广东省及深圳市政府联合主办。参加交易的有核工业部、航空工业部、电子工业部、兵器工业部、航天工业部、中国船舶工业总公司及解放军有关部门组成的交易团,近200个科研单位和生产厂家。展出的技术项目1000 The reporter learned from the parties concerned, approved by the State Council, in April this year, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province will be held the first “China Shenzhen Technology Fair.” The fair was jointly organized by the State Council Science and Technology Leading Group Office, the State Economic and Trade Commission, the State Science and Technology Commission, the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry of Guangdong Province and the Shenzhen Municipal Government. There are nearly 200 scientific research institutes and manufacturers participating in the transaction, including the nuclear industry department, the aviation industry department, the electronics industry department, the weapon industry department, the aerospace industry department, the China State Shipbuilding Corporation and the relevant departments of the People's Liberation Army. The display of technology projects 1000
《理智与情感》包容并平衡着“理性和感情”两种异质因,奥斯汀对二者都进行了嘲讽。本文将以言语、情境两个角度切入,分析奥斯汀对“理性”的反讽。 “Sense and Sensibilit
美帝班克-拉姆公司为美帝空军航空实验室提供了一台微型 MOS 大规模集成电路计算机,用于空对地导弹和其他小型化高性能方面的应用。此计算机为交付美帝空军使用的第一台 MOS
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通过对影响企业技术创新因素的分析,提出了企业开展技术创新,促进高新技术产业化发展的一些建议。 Through the analysis of the factors influencing the technological in
[作文指导] 题目精析:本次作文有两项内容供选择:1.写冬天里的一处景物。要求突出冬天景物的特点,融进自己的切身感受。2.写在冬季里开展的某项活动。要求既要表现冬天的特
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