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近两年,我们三门峡市政府办公室的督查工作本着“研究规律,及时总结,不断完善”的方针,从制度化、规范化入手,加强了软件建设和查办层次的延伸。1992年我们制定了“一年一改进,三年规范化”的工作规划,形成了市政府对各县(市)区政府和各部门、各部门对所属机构的两个查办运行体系,在确保上级和本级政府政令畅通以及为经济建设服务方面取得了一定成绩。特别值得一提的是,由于制度健全,措施得力,程序规范,我们目前已不再使用催办手段,将全部精力都用于搞好查办工作上。 一、精益求精制订考评制度,一丝不苟抓制度落实。 我们制订考评制度的指导思想是:超前导向,规范实用,不搭花架子,不搞软包装。根据查办工作情况,我们每年还对制度进行修订。修订前,全面细致地分析面上的工作运行状态,斟酌个别特殊事例的始未,然后制定一个初步方案,在征求各县(市)区政府及市政府各部门意见的基础上,再进行完善。制订过程中,我们本着“直观形象、易于操作、便于考核”的原则,杜绝教条主义与形式主义。根据工作需要,1995年我们只制定了一个制度,即《查办件上报制度》,全文320字,简明扼要,可操作性强,承办单位反响良好。我们的考评工作,先足由一般的工作性考核进入合理的规范性考核,最后达到精益求精的考核。落实考评制 In the recent two years, the inspection work of our office in Sanmenxia City has been based on the principle of “researching laws, timely summarizing and perfecting constantly”, and proceeding from institutionalization and standardization, we have strengthened the software construction and the investigation level extension. In 1992, we formulated the work plan of “improving once a year and standardizing three years”, and formed the two investigation and operation systems of the municipal government for each county (city) district government, departments, departments and agencies, And the smooth flow of governmental decrees at the same level as well as some achievements in the service of economic construction. What deserves special mention is that due to the sound system, effective measures and standardized procedures, we are no longer using reminders and will devote all our energy to carrying out investigations and handling work. First, improve the evaluation system, pay close attention to the implementation of the system. The guiding ideology of our evaluation system is: forward-oriented, standardized and practical, do not take shelves, do not engage in flexible packaging. According to the investigation work, we also revised the system every year. Before the revision, comprehensively and carefully analyze the status of work on the surface, considering the beginning of individual special cases, and then formulate a preliminary plan to solicit the opinions of counties (cities) and municipal government departments and municipal departments and then improve . In the formulation process, we have put an end to dogmatism and formalism in the principle of “visual image, easy to operate and easy to assess.” According to the needs of our work, we only formulated a system in 1995, that is, the “check-and-file reporting system” with the full text of 320 words, concise and easy to use, and a good response from the contractors. Our assessment work, first by the general work of the assessment into a reasonable normative assessment, and finally achieve the test of excellence. Implementation of evaluation system
据英国林产品文摘1981年 No2报道,巴西圣保罗营养—腐殖质研究室正在实现一项将锯末转化为腐殖质并向中东出口60万吨的计划。这种腐殖质的制法是把植物原料(锯末、稻壳或蔗
自从上了幼儿园後,贝贝总是咬指甲。看着贝贝光秃秃的手指,我心疼极了。  记得贝贝刚来幼儿园时,不像其他孩子那样又哭又闹,总是一个人乖乖地坐着,不时地把手指含在嘴里。我们知道,刚入园的孩子一般都会有焦虑情绪,贝贝咬指甲也许是为了分散注意力以缓解焦虑情绪。为了不强化他的行为,我们没有过多地干预他咬指甲的行为,而是关注他的情绪,主动亲近他,给他创造安全的心理环境,偶尔也会跟他讲关于“小细菌藏在哪里”和“
《会动的房子》是一本充满童趣和想象的图画书。小松鼠在树下的大石头上盖好了房子,结果房子一天换一个地方。房子来到湖里,眼看房子就要沉下去了。这时却露出一个乌龟的头,原来小松鼠把房子盖在了乌龟的背上。后来乌龟和小松鼠成了邻居,乌龟带着小松鼠去了很多好玩的地方。这本书除了有吸引入的故事情节外。还有鲜活、可爱的动物形象以及诙谐、生动、有趣的语言,很适合幼儿阅读。  就在这时,我发现小班幼儿由于生活经验有限