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为了深入学习宣传贯彻党的十八大、十八届三中、四中全会精神,不断适应传统媒体与新兴媒体融合发展的新要求,努力推进党刊“传播力、公信力、影响力”建设,《实践》杂志思想理论版、党的教育版、蒙文版从2015年第1期开始,全部采用彩色制版印刷,保持刊物定价不变,并且从内容和宣传形式上全方位改版。这次全方位改版,我们将继续秉承“高举旗帜、围绕中心、服务大局、奉献精品、改革创新”的办刊宗旨,为促进自治区经济社会发展提供强大的精神动力、思想保证和舆论支持。刊物从内容到形式都作了较大调整,其中,思想理论版、党的教育版和蒙文版内文统一扩充到64页;增添了“贯彻落实党的十 In order to further study and propagandize the spirit of the 18th CPC Congress and the 3rd Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, we will continue to adapt to the new requirements of the integration and development of traditional media and emerging media, and strive to promote the party magazine’s ”communication, credibility, influence“ Construction, ”Theory of Practice“ magazine magazine, the party’s educational version, the Mongolian version from the first period in 2015, all using color plate printing, maintaining the publication pricing unchanged, and content and publicity from the full range of revision. We will continue adhering to the purpose of running the banner of ”hold high the banner, center around, serve the overall situation, dedication, reform and innovation,“ and provide a powerful spiritual impetus, ideological guarantee and public opinion support for promoting economic and social development in the autonomous region . Publications from the content to form have made major adjustments, of which, ideological and theoretical version of the party’s educational and Mongolian version of the text unified expansion to 64 pages; added ”to implement the party’s ten
【摘 要】本文通过对核能发展的历程的回顾,和对核燃料后处理技术的分析等介绍了国内外核燃料后处理的现状,并简析了其发展方向,  【关键词】核燃料 新能源 辐射性  【中图分类号】TL76 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-5158(2013)03-0071-01  0引言  众所周知,核能是当今世界上人类所能利用的新能源中,探究和开发程度较高的一种能源。由于核燃料能够大量利用,能够后续不断,而
Recombinant Escherichia coli BL21 is used to produce human-like collagen. The key constituents of media are optimized using response surface methodology (RSM).
我们从1例脑脓肿患者的脑脊液中检出纯阴沟杆菌,报告如下。临床资料:患者男,33岁,因头痛加重伴呕吐、右耳流脓入院。当时体温39.6℃,WBC22×10~9/L,N 0.92,L 0.08;CT 诊断: