
来源 :临床麻醉学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tm7749
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纤维板剥脱术是治疗小儿慢性脓胸的方法之一。他对彻底清除化脓病灶,膨胀萎陷的肺脏、防止患儿胸廓畸形、改善心肺功能有着重要的临床意义。我院1982年起开展此类手术,现将有关麻醉处理报告如下。 临床资料 一般资料 全组60例,男37例,女23例,年龄4个月~14岁,体重6~30kg,病程1个半月~5个月。临床表现为消瘦26例,发热31例,呼吸急促15例,气管移位13例,胸廓变形16例,伴支气管胸膜瘘6例。本组病例均作了X线摄片检查,主要表现有胸膜增厚、肺不张、气液面、肋间隙变窄、气管移位等。除1例全肺切 Fibrous plate exfoliation is one of the methods to treat chronic empyema in children. He has an important clinical significance for the complete removal of purulent lesions, the expansion of collapsed lungs, prevention of thoracic deformities in children and improvement of cardiopulmonary function. Our hospital since 1982 to carry out such operations, anesthesia now report as follows. Clinical data General information The whole group 60 cases, 37 males and 23 females, aged 4 months to 14 years old, body weight 6 ~ 30kg, duration of 1 and a half months to 5 months. Clinical manifestations of 26 cases of weight loss, fever in 31 cases, 15 cases of shortness of breath, tracheal displacement in 13 cases, 16 cases of thoracic deformation, with bronchial fistula in 6 cases. The patients were made X-ray examination, the main manifestations of pleural thickening, atelectasis, gas-liquid surface, intercostal space narrowing, tracheal displacement. In addition to 1 case of pneumonectomy
11月10日是世界青年日,在此,小编也为大家推荐几部引导青少年成长的电影吧!美好的现在The Spectacular Now(2013)导演:詹姆斯·庞索特国家地区:美国类型:喜剧/剧情上映日期:2
1 INTRODUCTIONMany new separation tasks arose from bio-technologyand environmental science are separation of solutesfrom dilute solutions.Removal of dyestuffs
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