A Fault-Tolerant Routing Scheme in Dynamic Networks

来源 :Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liouyun
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In dynamic networks, links and nodes will be deleted or added regularly. It is very essential for the routing scheme to have the ability of fault-tolerance. The method to achieve such a goal is to generate more than one path for a given set of source and destination. In this paper, the idea of interval routing is used to construct a new scheme (Multi-Node Label Interval Routing scheme, or MNLIR scheme) to realize fault-tolerance. Interval routing is a space-efficient routing method for networks, but the method is static and determinative, and it cannot realize faulttolerance. In MNLIR scheme some nodes will have more than one label, thus some pairs of destination and source will have more than one path; the pairs of nodes, which have inheritance relation, will have the shortest path. Using this character, MNLIR scheme has better overall routing performance than the former interval routing scheme, which can be proven by simulations. The common problem concerning the insertion and deletion of nodes and links is considered in this paper. So if the networks have some changes in topology, MNLIR scheme may find alternative path for certain pairs of nodes. In this way, fault-tolerance can be realized with only a little space added to store the multi-node labels. In dynamic networks, links and nodes will be deleted or added regularly. It is very essential for the routing scheme to have the ability of fault-tolerance. The method to achieve such a goal is to generate more than one path for a given set of source and destination. In this paper, the idea of ​​interval routing is used to construct a new scheme (Multi-Node Label Interval Routing scheme, or MNLIR scheme) to realize fault-tolerance. Interval routing is a space-efficient routing method for networks , but the method is static and determinative, and it can not realize faulttolerance. and it can not realize more than one label, thus some pairs of destination and source will have more than one path; the pairs of nodes, which have inheritance relation , will have the shortest path. Using this character, MNLIR scheme has better overall routing performance than the former interval routing scheme, which can be proven by simulations. The common problem concerning the insertion and del So if the networks have some changes in topology, MNLIR scheme may find alternative path for certain pairs of nodes. In this way, fault-tolerance can be realized with only a little space added to to store the multi-node labels.
我们(哈尔滨市经纬小学)把学校文化建设作为立校之本,建校之魂,围绕“人和、个性、精品”这一主旋律凝练成以教师文化、课程文化、学校文化、环境文化为主体,以“三和”“三育”为核心的学校文化,并以此引领学校德育内涵的发展。  “三和”“三育”校之魂  学校文化是以“三和”“三育”文化为核心构成的,即“和衷共济”——育“人性”,“和而不同”——育“个性”,“和合创优”——育“精品”,用关键词概括就是“倡导
中杉人走在“静下心来办最好的教育”的正路上,用自己的智慧去开创中国教育的新边疆  来到北京中杉学校,我们认识了这样一位热心教育、潜心治学的优秀校长,她就是中杉学校的校长——王翠娟。  1999年,王翠娟来到中关村三小,担任校长兼党支部书记,在任期间,她全心致力于学校发展,加强教师队伍建设,全面提升师资质量,培养青年后备力量,学校多人在全国各类评优课一等奖,其中10人被评为中学高级教师,多人被评为北
摘 要:小学是基础教育的起始阶段,这一时期的教育对学生习惯的养成有着至关重要的作用。培养学生各种良好的习惯是社会发展的必然要求,也是教育体制深化改革的必然要求。  关键词:小学生;习惯;培养  对于习惯,《新华字典》解释为:长期重复地做,逐渐养成的不自觉的行为。我国著名儿童心理学教育家朱智贤教授认为:习惯是人在一定情境下自动化地去进行某种动作的需要或倾向。笔者在本文中主要想探讨在“每月一事”活动中