Application of BPANN in spinning deformation of thin-walled tubular parts with longitudinal inner ri

来源 :Journal of Central South University of Technology(English Ed | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fkswind
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Back-propagation artificial neural network (BPANN) is used in ball backward spinning in order to form thin-walled tubular parts with longitudinal inner ribs. By selecting the process parameters which have a great influence on the height of inner ribs as well as fish scale on the surface of the spun part, a BPANN of 3-8-1 structure is established for predicting the height of inner rib and recognizing the fish scale defect. Experiments data have proved that the average relative error between the measured value and the predicted value of the height of inner rib is not more than 5%. It is evident that BPANN can not only predict the height of inner ribs of the spun part accurately, but recognize and prevent the occurrence of the quality defect of fish scale successfully, and combining BPANN with the ball backward spinning is essential to obtain the desired spun part. Back-propagation artificial neural network (BPANN) is used in ball backward spinning in order to form thin-walled tubular parts with longitudinal inner ribs. By selecting the process parameters which have a great influence on the height of inner ribs as well as fish scale on the surface of the spun part, a BPANN of 3-8-1 structure is established for predicting the height of inner rib and recognizing the fish scale defect. Experiments data have demonstrated that the average relative error between the measured value and the predicted value of the height of inner rib is not more than 5%. It is evident that BPANN can not only predict the height of inner ribs of the spun part accurately, but recognize and prevent the occurrence of the quality defect of fish scale successfully, and combining BPANN with the ball backward spinning is essential to obtain the desired spun part.
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