Corrosion Fatigue Behavior of Duplex Stainless Steel in 3.5% Sodium Chloride Solution

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arski
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The corrosion fatigue behavior of duplex stainless steel (DSS) was studied at different cyclic stress levels in 3.5%NaCl (mass fraction, so as the follows) solution (pH = 7) at 50℃. The results showed that DSS was susceptible to pitting Corrosion and Corrosion fa- tigue. Both Intergranluar Corrosion cracking and transgranlular corrosion cracking initiated at the bottom of pitting holes. Furthermore, the corrosion fatigue properties of DSS in 3.5%NaCl solution may be relatived to complex electrochemical and mechanical coupling effects between the three phases (austenite, ferrite and medensite), where martensite and ferrite were anodic in the corrosion cell and could be prone to cracking under certain condition. The corrosion pattern of duplex stainless steel (DSS) was studied at different cyclic stress levels in 3.5% NaCl (mass fraction, so as the follows) solution (pH = 7) at 50 ° C. The results showed that DSS was susceptible to pitting Corrosion and Corrosion fa- tigue. Both Intergranluar Corrosion cracking and transgranlular corrosion cracking initiated at the bottom of pitting holes. Further, the corrosion fatigue properties of DSS in 3.5% NaCl solution may be relatived to complex electrochemical and mechanical coupling effects between the three phases (austenite, ferrite and medensite), where martensite and ferrite were anodic in the corrosion cell and could be prone to cracking under certain condition.
早上与孩子一起在中餐店吃饭。时间紧张,我与孩子分头行动——孩子帮我拿筷子和勺子,我负责结账买单。就在孩子数筷子的间隙,我却陷入了排队的僵局,队伍迟迟不肯前移。  我前面的一个小男孩,大约五六岁,手里拿着3元钱,呆呆地站在柜台前面。我朝柜台看去,原来结账机器坏了,服务员正拆下仪器准备修理,小男孩倒是一眼不眨地端详着,饶有兴致,趣味十足。大概过了3分钟,结账机仍然没有修好的迹象。这时,一个30多岁的女
罗肇鸿,中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所研究员,中国社会科学院研究生院博士生导 师。1936年10月生于广东省大埔县。1957年考入南开大学经济系 本科,1962年毕业。1962年进入